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Pray To Heather


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[quote name='MorphRC' date='Sep 21 2004, 11:57 PM'] Nice story.

1: You cant pray to anyone, who hasnt been beautified.
2: How does she deserve sainthood? My mums been through way worse than any of this. So has my uncle. [/quote]
Regarding #1: Could you show me where the Church says that? I havn't heard that before. Thanks in advance! ;)

Regarding #2: It's not because of what she went through that would make her deserving of sainthood, it is the saintly way she lived in giving her life to God and serving Him by helping those in need, especially disabled children. And because of how she is continuing to intercede for us.

P.S So sorry to hear about your mother and uncle.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

There cannot be public veneration of anyone who hasn't been beatified. You are 100% entitled to privately pray to anyone, be it a saint, your dead grandma, or someone you've heard of like Heather. What's not allowed right now is a cultus for Heather. This basically would include having her name inserted into the prayers of the Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, etc., as something other than an intention for the celebration. A cultus forming before beatification can often end someone's cause for beatification.

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You can indeed ask a saint for their intercession before they are beatified, even before their cause is opened, otherwise how would a cultus ever be formed?

It is true that public veneration of a saint is not allowed. This means that it must be made clear that the veneration is a private devotion. It does not have the authority of the Church behind it until the cause is opened. Once the cause is opened, certain public things can happen, like the formation of a guild to advance their cause.

That devotion has to remain "private" doesn't mean you can't tell anyone, it just means that it is juridically not a "Public" devotion which has the magisterial support of the Church.

You can pray for Heather's intercession. I guarantee you, someone will answer those prayers.

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