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Pray To Heather


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This might get kinda long...But stay with me. It's worth it.

My sister has taught at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic school for 3 years now. In her first two years, she befriended a very nice, sweet, devout woman named Lois. I'm sure Lois is well known in her circle of friends, family and co-workers, but it is her daughter that everyone in the county and maybe most people in the state know of.

Heather was a beautiful young college woman. I never knew her, but after she died the stories I heard about her, and the things that her mother told my sister who told me, made me feel connected to her.

Heather was truly a living saint. She touched everyone around her. She treasured her virginity and kept it sacred. She loved children. And she spent many hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament more deep in prayer than I could ever hope to be. She kept a prayer journal that has some of the most beautiful writings that I have ever heard. Just a few days before she died, she was deep in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament and wrote "Jesus, take me now. I am ready." (Not sure if that is the EXACT quote, but very close.) Here is a link to her obiturary: [url="http://www.kansas.com/mld/eagle/news/special_packages/carr_trial/4213401.htm"]http://www.kansas.com/mld/eagle/news/speci...ial/4213401.htm[/url]

Heather's died in a manner that was completely opposite of her life. She was murdered in a quadruple homocide with her best friends. Out of the 5 friends who endured a night of horror and were ulimately stripped naked and shot execution style in a snowy soccer field in the middle of the night, there was one survivor. She ran naked through the snow almost a mile to the nearest house with a bullet in her head and lived to tell of all the things that happend to them. They were robbed, raped, forced to rape each other, taken to ATM machines to withdrawl money before they ended up in that field. They caught the men responsible and the entire trial was aired over the radio. Listening to the lone survivor give her testimony was more than any person could stomach. The whole thing has been called the "Wichita Massacre." (A search will bring up lots of information on the trial.)

ANYWAY, that was almost four years ago and Heather is still touching us today. She may have even performed her first miracle.

Last week, a very dear friend to Lois' sister's family was in a brutal motorcyle accident. The paramedics were amazed that he wasn't dead when they got to the scene. The doctor's were amazed that he made the LifeWatch trip to the closest hospital, in Denver. Needless to say, he is in [u]very[/u] bad shape. Now, the sister of this man (it might be sister-in-law, I'm not sure) lives in Wichita and her daughter went to school with Heather.

Heather appeared to this woman in a dream and told her to get a group together, bring something of Heather's along, and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy the next morning at 10:30. This woman immediatly contacted Lois, who brought Heather's prayer journal to the "meeting." It was coordinated that people in Wichita, Northern Kansas and at the hospital in Denver were all praying the Chaplet at the same time.

Lois told her priest about what was happening. He told her to write every little thing down. If this man pulls through, when he should be dead, it just might be Heather's first miracle.

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Thank you for sharing mama love.. I will make sure to pray to her and ask intercession.. I really like Modern Day saint stories like this.. Thats really horrible what happened to her though :(

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An update:

My sister just e-mailed me and all she said was "We have a miracle!"

She said she would give me the datails when I see her tonight. I'll keep you posted.

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Guest Alpha+Omega~†~Beginning+End

...wow... :sadder: I just about cried and I almost never cry. What a horrid and sickening end for someone so holy. Thanks for sharing that story- I've always enjoyed saint stories... especially more recent ones. Having heard all of that, I truly believe she is partying up in heaven with God, Mary, and all the other saints. This is truly amazing. Thanks, again, so much.

In His Unending Love,

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[color=red]THE BIG UPDATE[/color]

Wow! Here's the rest of the story:

First of all, my sis just found out that the woman who had the dream had it before her brother-in-law's accident. She didn't know what it meant until then. (Goose Bumps!!)

Secondly, the man is going to be fine. He will always be physically and possibly mentally damaged because of the extensiveness of the injuries, but he will live. The woman who had the dream wanted Lois to go with her to Denver, but she just couldn't get away. So, she sent Heather's scapular and a lock of her hair along. Shortly after the woman arrived, he began speaking. The doctor's are still stunned. He was asking for the young nurse's assistant that kept checking on him because he wanted to thank her. He said her name was Heather.

There is no nurse's assistant at that hospital named Heather.

There is no nurse at that hospital named Heather.

He was in ICU and there are records of who has gone in to see him. There is no one named Heather on the list.

Heather, Pray for us!

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Nice story.

1: You cant pray to anyone, who hasnt been beautified.
2: How does she deserve sainthood? My mums been through way worse than any of this. So has my uncle.

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