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Political Correctness


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Today I went into class, and an open discussion insued, in which I pointed out that nowadays womean and men work, but that women still play the caretaker of the home role, as it should be, as it was before, and as it will be forever. I of course stated that sometimes they are exceptions to the rule.

I think I offended my teacher.

Being an Iraqi born child, political correctness never was something I got, and being a Catholic, I despised the apathy for such things that would keep such topics left unmentioned lest someone be offended. Was I wrong for saying what I did? I don't think so, but you guys are more American than me, and could shed some light.

God bless,


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Heck no, you're not wrong!

Keep standing up for what's right and fight the thought police!!!

By the way, political incorrectness is not unAmerican! Political correctness is a neo-Marxist aberration (I'd say abomination!) that did not exist in America prior to the eighties or so. It's an attempt (began in universities) by radical leftists to control the thoughts of citizens, so that opposing their lies would be a "crime."

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 13 2004, 09:31 PM'] Heck no, you're not wrong!

Keep standing up for what's right and fight the thought police!!!

By the way, political incorrectness is not unAmerican! Political correctness is a neo-Marxist aberration (I'd say abomination!) that did not exist in America prior to the eighties or so. It's an attempt (began in universities) by radical leftists to control the thoughts of citizens, so that opposing their lies would be a "crime." [/quote]
You are the man!

Even if you might be a woman! ;)

Either way you rock!

PC is the work of Satan!

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I think that you have the right to say what you did, but sometimes in open conversations espically, its important to say that whatever you say is your opinion. Because personally, if you are so sure I, as a girl, should be in charge of the home stuffs, you had better not be expecting me to work. I would love to be a stay at home mom (when I grow up) but if that can't happen I expect my husband to help with the kids because I help with the income. I just think that in conversations with people personal beliefs need to be expressed as such. Just because you think that women should and always will assume that role, your teacher may not and even though you may be correct, she won't care what you say if you berate her and her role as a mother.

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Ditto. PC was ok, IE: Dont call a black person N.. u know. But now its like you cant call a woman, woman, u gotta call her Lady or Ms, or Miss if she is a leso. its stupid <_<

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Sep 13 2004, 09:10 PM'] Political correctness is disgusting. [/quote]
mikey...i have to agree with ^^ on this

God Bless hope all goes well!!

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Unfornunately this is one of the Liberial's strongest weapons against the Republician/Conservative party. Also, Dallas is correct, its disgusting all together.

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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Sep 13 2004, 11:14 PM'] You are the man!

Even if you might be a woman! ;)

I'm no woman! I'm a man, baby! :cool:

(What are you? Kilroy sounds like a guy's name, but you've got that cute anime ninja-chick on your profile!)

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Well, what you said wasnt that offensive. I could see how it could be offensive but if some other person but the momma raises the child, how's he gunna end up? Now, Arnold's wife was talking about this. She said that a woman shouldnt be afraid to say she's a mom and a housewife. That's a hard job itself that women should be proud of. (She was on Oprah and Oprah gave her a high five and started getting all crayzee lol)

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Hi Michael,

No, I don't think what you said was offensive. Mothers are and will always be the primary nurturer. Women can do this best when they're at home with their children. (I'm not trying to say that women who work will neglet their children; I'm just saying that a woman staying at home with her children is ideal.) If I have to work for financial reasons, then I'll work (and expect my husband to help around the house). If I don't have to work, I'd much rather stay home with my future kids. I'd like to write, and I like that I could do that at home as well.

God bless,


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