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Priest Pulled My Hair In Mass Today

Mrs. Bro. Adam

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

I'm just standing behind my hubby, waiting to go into the sancturary to worship my Savior in front of the Blessed Sacrament with my fellow brothers and sisters, when, out of no where, a priest comes behind me and pulls on my pony tail, and then proceeds to say, "I've wanted to do that for a while"


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very weird. i don't like people touching me without permission, so i would've phreaked out, but maybe he saw it as a way to greet you?! i dunno.

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i know a priest who squeezes my and my sisters cheeks LOL everytime he sees us.. and makes our face turn red and hurt really bad.

his been doing that since i was 5 and still does it to this day.

his my favorite priest ever! LOL

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I knew a priest who liked to hug me. Different personalities have different needs...some people just need to be touched and to touch, and some people don't. I'm kind of touchy feely, but very reserved about it after learning the above the hard way.

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