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Becoming Church Faithful


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[quote name='BeenaBobba' date='Sep 13 2004, 08:26 AM'] Hi FutureSoror,

The regular tags under one's name can refer to the number of posts one has. For example, if you're relatively new to PM, your tag will probably read PM Newbie. Once you've got a certain number of posts, it'll read PM Super Alien and so forth. The titles "Church Faithful," "Church Militant," and "Church Scholar" are given by the PM administration. To be a Church Faithful, you have to post at PM a lot, and most importantly, you've got to be shown to be totally faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Future Church Faithfuls are nominated by two or more people with CF, CM, or CS titles. To be a Church Militant, you've got to have shown yourself to be apt at defending the Church (as well as being totally faithful), and you've got to be nominated by two or more Church Militants. Church Scholars are the chosen few who are faithful apologists and who usually have a formal degree in theology.

I hope this helps. :)

God bless,

Jen [/quote]
Id say ive proven mine. *Tracts by Phatmassers*...

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Jesus Mary and Joseph pray for Us!

My sister in Christ I am sure that you faithful to the Church, who needs a label other then from God?

Some times a qualification is patience. Remember is quality not quanitity.

So at the same time I share your frustration. (That cross looks so shiney.) Just remember that dUSt is a busy: father, html designer, prayer warrior, phatmasser, rapper...ect. But most of all dUSt is just. I have honestly seen him model St. Benedict so many times that I am sure of the providence involved.

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Also, I think that after examining my own conscience that some times, I post for my own Glory and not that of God. This could be a reason that I do not deserve the Church Militant or scholar.

Thus I am statisfied with my humble title, and almost do not wish to increase, so that He may increase in my decreasing!

Once again I understand and struggle with the same pride, but I believe dUSt might being doing us a favor.

Rememeber St. Benedict (and I think that St. Benedict is praying for dUSt) said that we should do all things to Glorify God, not our selves, including getting fancy titles.

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[quote name='MorphRC' date='Sep 13 2004, 07:53 AM'] Id say ive proven mine. *Tracts by Phatmassers*... [/quote]
You've got the apologetics aspect covered bro. Remember, there's always other virtues that we should be working on...

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To tell y'all the truth. I don't go out and actively decide who should and shouldn't be "promoted". I basically just wait until I receive e-mails or PMs from the one's who've already earned the titles.

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the more and more i look at this thread the more and more.... like ego driven i seem. im more so striving to be the best child of God that i can be.... that is the most important thing to me. i almost regret saying anything but i do ask for your prayers for me as i too pray for each member on phatmass.

thanks and sorry all at once :)

God bless,
Laura Thomas

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