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I often see people on here who I'm guessing are scrupulous. No, I'm no psychologist, but when someone posts asking if going to the beach is a mortal sin, because it might require wearing shorts that go slightly above the mid-calf...well, I just do this... :rolleyes: Scrupulosity is a disease characterized by religiosity and obsessive compulsive tendencies. Any professional can correct me if I'm giving incorrect information, and I exhort you all to take a look to see what you can find on the net.

Scrupulosity comes with an exaggerated sense of sin, and a certain type self-pharasaic legalism. A scroop always wonders if he is in mortal sin. Often they will forgoe communion because they feel like their sins are too great. A scroop might have an obsessive thought at the mass, and think, "Oh no, I'm not worthy to receive the Eucharist...look at what I just thought." The problem with the scroop is that the Eucharist is the medicine he needs!

The most horrible part of scrupulosity are the obsessions. That's what I call them...it's probably the wrong word. The word obsessive in OCD refers to obsessive thinking...not that you are obsessed...but that you think horrible thoughts. Scroops often feel like they have blasphemed the Holy Spirit, because once they hear that this sin is "unforgivable" their mind utters blasphemies...the scroop can barely help it, but thinks it's all his fault. And the compulsive part for the scroop is the rituals...7 rosaries a day, and signing himself with Holy Water everytime he thinks a bad thought....but it doesn't help him grow.

I myself have had some symptoms of scrupulosity...very mild obsessions, and a touch of religiosity. I learned some beautiful Truths about God in overcoming this.

This is the most important part:

God is Just.
God is Merciful

God ain't gonna send you to hell because you tasted lipstick before you took the Eucharist. It would be a bigger sin to doubt his Mercy, but even then God knows you have an anxiety disorder...he's not going to send you to hell for having OCD either!

As far as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is concerned...well, they're are only 2 sins that can't be forgiven...they are the only two sins that can't be confessed. Final impenitence, and final despair. Now don't go obsessing over that either! There's no reason for it. It's in God's hands! It's in Our Just and Merciful [b]Savior's[/b] Hands. :)

Also, just a little tip I used to overcome my mildly obsessive thinking...if you are thinking something ugly, like scroops often do...and you try not to think about it...you're going to think about it more, like chineses handcuffs. Try thinking about it more, and you REALLY might get some relief.

I hope this helps. :) God bless you!

St. Dymphna, pray for us!

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This is embarrassing but Im scrupulous and need help . Before Communion every Sunday ,I always tell myself I cant go because I think I commited a Mortal Sin every week .What do you guys suggest? Thanks

God Bless,

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Reelguy...Find a spiritual director, preferably a priest. And do what the priest says.

Therapy and anti-depressants have been used to treat OCD. If you go that route, I think it's best to find someone who acknowledges the importance of faith in recovering from mental illness. Most pros do. :)

Picchick...as far as paranoia is concerned, that's something a bit more serious in my humble opinion, having been paranoid myself. I'm not a mental health professional...but talking to someone who knows about these things can help. Now, there's a difference between being paranoid and having a suspicious personality. Just take care of yourself. Professionals really can help.

St. Dymphna, pray for us!

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Thanks for posting, TCW. I posted a poll on scrupulosity last week to raise awareness, but I was really disappointed in the low amount of response.


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[quote name='reelguy227' date='Sep 13 2004, 09:47 AM'] This is embarrassing but Im scrupulous and need help . Before Communion every Sunday ,I always tell myself I cant go because I think I commited a Mortal Sin every week .What do you guys suggest? Thanks

God Bless,
Ricky. [/quote]
Every time I've been in mortal sin, I've known. That's because to commit a mortal sin you need full knowledge of the gravity of the sin and complete consent.

I don't think you can commit a mortal sin without knowing it.

Some of the best advice I've ever gotten was from a retired bishop. He told me, when in doubt, always receive. I guess that's cause if you are in grave, mortal sin...you won't be wondering if, you will know.

BTW: A scroop can pheel like he's in a state of mortal sin and not really be...and a scroop can exaggerate the gravity of a sin. I still think spiritual direction is key. But I'm no pro. :)

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