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Phish Outreach Program


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Guest AloysiusGhost

woah... there's all these cool features i hadnt explored yet...

265 ppl in the USA have viewed the site, 4 in Australia, and 2 in Canada...

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Good idea Al. :)

I'd also like to encourage everyone to use the report button as much as you feel necessary for anything that goes against phorum guidelines including Catholic vs. Catholic debates. Thats not to say report all threads with Catholics discussing and possibly disagreeing with one another, but anything that goes "over the top" please report.

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Donna, I feel [i]tired[/i]. lol Other than that good most of the time. Wrestling with a 13 month old tends to make me feel a little ill sometimes but thats what Daddy is for. ;) I'm now in week 14 and starting to get bigger. March feels like its a loooooong way off. :lol:

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O, can I relate!

Coke ("classic") helped me tremendously for 6 separate first trimesters...not ingesting scads, but I'd sip on a can 'til the fizz went away (usually 2 cans per day, but only about half to 3/4 of a can consumed).

2nd trimester was GREAT...about week 15 or 16. ([i]Domine exaudi orationem meam...)[/i]


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I went to the Phish site, but it seems no one there is refuting the phishes. Wasn't the point to resolve differences? If so, where are the Phatmass members who are supposed to refute or argue the phish? It looks to me like a phishy field day on all the issues.

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Guest AloysiusGhost

that's the idea... the thing is: the phishy's are excited to get off PhatMass and voice their opinions but the people who we need to argue against them are kinda content staying at PhatMass

so perhaps i'll start a PMing campaign to get ppl like Apotheon and stuff on there.

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Oh cool, maybe the Phatmass Crusaders could go there. Or, you could do a PM thing with the phishy people, maybe. Or you probably want it to be public, though.

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