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St. Terese

Br. Augustino

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Please do let us have your comments on the movie - Thank you so much for going to watch it. In so doing you are helping us outside the US to increase our hopes of getting the movie shown in our countries as well.

God Bless and may the St. Therese's Little Way be wide open for you to travel along it!



Edited by Angelone
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Me and my wife saw it Friday.

It was a little annoying because all the tops of the actor's heads were cut off in a lot of parts of the movie--like the film didn't fit on the screen or something. I'd rather see the actor's eyes as opposed to their shoes--maybe it's just me.

Other than that, I thought it was okay. My wife didn't really like it. When we were walking out she was like, "so why is she a saint?". Unfortunately, I think that might be a common response from people not already familiar with the story.

I didn't come close to crying either. You'd think that with the death of her father, and then of course her own death, I'd feel a little more choked up? I don't know--just being honest. I do think it's important to support this movie though.

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The same reaction occured with me Dust. The movie was a dissapointment because it didn't really give us a lot of information about her. It's an okay movie altogether, I think the end was a little too rushed and the begining was a little too slow.

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Comments from personalities who saw Therese:

[b]FATHER ANDREW APOSTOLI –Franciscan Friars of the Renewal; Author; Host of EWTN:[/b]

[color=blue][b]I saw THÉRÈSE, and I think there was hardly a dry eye in the movie theater after the film was over. Being familiar with the saint, I could see, first of all, that it was a very accurate presentation of her life and that is very important, because we need to see saints in all their humanness. It was all presented with such a beautiful touch of sensitivity and humor. It’s a magnificent film. There is no doubt in my mind that it will touch a lot of people, especially young people, and will make them seriously think about religious life, because they can see the authenticity of the life of Saint Thérèse. It will not be appreciated by all in the world, because many reject what she stood for, but it will be a revival. It will affect deeply those who are serious about life, who want to know how they can live their lives in a way that will bring real happiness.
THÉRÈSE is destined to be a classic.[/b][/color]

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[b]MATTHEW PINTO – Author, Ascension Press; Co-founder, Envoy
Magazine and CatholicExchange.com:

[color=purple]Let’s first get the record straight: I am a manly man. Now that that has been established, I can admit that I was reaching over to my friend’s tissue pouch.

THÉRÈSE will touch your heart; you will see the beauty of God. This movie
was literally hypnotic in the way it pulled me into the life of this beautiful soul.
It was a great experience and I’m looking forward to seeing it again.
In this day and age, power is achieved by what you go and grab, what you
force and what you get. Very often we see a rough world, we experience a
culture of death, and we experience attitude: attitude shown in the clothing that we wear, the music that we listen to.

In THÉRÈSE, young people will see the exact opposite - that there is another way to achieve great things, and that’s through goodness and through beauty. They will see extraordinary power, but power through truth and beauty, because she was receptive. And I’m telling you, it will be a beautiful two hour retreat from the world where you can soften your heart. It’s almost like you will have gone through a fresh shower. You feel refreshed coming out of this movie.[/b][/color]

Edited by Angelone
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Do you believe I actually bought tickets for the 30th and couldn't make it? :angry: :angry:

I plan on definitely seeing it this weekend :) I want to check it out (and support it :) ) before I ask non-Catholic relatives to see it, though I heard it's not that great at evangelizing since it's better for those w/ previous knowledge about St. Therese.

Anybody in the TriState area going? In NJ I have to go to Burlington, or go to NYC or Philly.

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[b]Hi Luciana - Thanks for Supporting such a tremendous effort done purely out of love for St. Therese. I know for certainity that whoever was involved in this movie has a great love for The Little Flower and they all worked hard with one thing in mind - [color=blue]That Therese would Touch Souls, Inspire Souls and Convert Souls[/color]. ;) [/b]

[i]All this, obviously, has made "somespirit" down below very very angry [/i]:angry:

Please let us have your views once you have watched it.


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I wrote up a complete review of Therese for my blog as well as collected the reviews of others. Check it out!


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I saw Therese on Saturday. Wow. I was rather impressed. It was much better than i thought it would be. I have to admit i found myself gettin teary eyed at different scenes especially at the end. It was emotionally engaging.. i think that was most def. one of the strengths of the movie. Man, she is just so lovable. I felt like it drew me to her more. She suffered alot.. that was a moving scene and i was rejoicing as she was entering Heaven--where she's running around picking roses to shower down upon us.

The [b]basic[/b] message of Spiritual Childhood and of sanctity in doing small things with great love came across well i thought.

I wish there were more scenes of the the little and not so little annoyances that she faced--the opportunities for heroic virtue. A scene with the nun who used to whisper her prayers really loud would have been nice. That would have really hit it home. [b]I think[/b] the movie depicted what she was all about and encourages us to live her Little Way.

It was really entertaining too... the scene with the old nun was great. Her humanness was captured very well! i want too see it again. I think non-Catholics or those who know little about her will be drawn to want to learn more.

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