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Nonsectarianism. Neutrality.


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Nonsectarianism. Neutrality. Old myths always try to seem new.
Have you ever stopped to think how absurd it is leave one's Catholicism aside on entering a university, a professional association, a cultural society, or Parliament, like a man leaving his hat at the door?

-- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way

God Bless,

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[quote]Have you ever stopped to think how absurd it is leave one's Catholicism aside on entering a university, a professional association, a cultural society, or Parliament, like a man leaving his hat at the door?[/quote]

It's an impossibility isn't it? Our faith is what defines us and therefore has an impact on everything we do....

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Too funny! :)

I posted the same thing.....guess we share a similar home page??

I might suggest it........ of course phatmass is a great home page as well. I usually click: [url="http://www.catholic-pages.com/start/"]http://www.catholic-pages.com/start/[/url] ....... followed by PM... heheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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I think it has to do with integrity. If we do not aspire to the higest of ideals at least in general then life becomes utilitarian.
"If there is no God. Then everything is permitted." -Fydor Dostoevsky
Think of the implications of this statement.

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Yes we do :)

You should love: [url="http://www.EscrivaWorks.org"]http://www.EscrivaWorks.org[/url] (someone here gave the link to me, and I'm greatful for it)

Br. Augustino,

Very true.

Integrity is a very big thing. Also, something that goes hand in hand with integrity that many people don't realize is self improvement. If we are not trying to better ourselves, at least some little aspect in our lives, then we will worsen. It's like life is a steep hill that we are on. If we don't try to move uphill (improve ourselves) and remain idel, we will slide downhill and we worsen... our views, opinions, judgements, spiritual heath, etc... can be lost. If we stop trying to move forward and uphill, we will be pushed back by life and the ruler of this world.

God Bless!

Edited by ironmonk
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Today's quote is a good one too...

I don't understand how you can call yourself a Christian and lead such an idle, useless life. Have you forgotten Christ's life of toil?
-- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way

God Bless,

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OK, you might not want me to enter this discussion on the writings of St Josemaria Escriva since I'm not familiar with them, but that last quote requires us to be disciplined doesn't it, and presumably in every area of our lives if it's linked to the first quote!

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[quote name='Ellenita' date='Sep 12 2004, 05:50 PM'] OK, you might not want me to enter this discussion on the writings of St Josemaria Escriva since I'm not familiar with them, but that last quote requires us to be disciplined doesn't it, and presumably in every area of our lives if it's linked to the first quote! [/quote]
The quotes are from "The Way" in the section titled "Study", numbers 353 and 356...

See them all here:

I also really like #332
"There is no excuse for those who could be scholars and are not."

God Bless,

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[quote]I also really like #332
"There is no excuse for those who could be scholars and are not."[/quote]

OK, this thread is scaring me now......this has direct relevance to something (not!) going on in my life for which I have been praying about (and asking various saints for their prayer too)....I guess God is getting alittle tired of my inaction......

....does God get tired?! :unsure:

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[quote name='Ellenita' date='Sep 12 2004, 06:32 PM']
OK, this thread is scaring me now......this has direct relevance to something (not!) going on in my life for which I have been praying about (and asking various saints for their prayer too)....I guess God is getting alittle tired of my inaction......

....does God get tired?! :unsure: [/quote]
There could be something God wants you to do, and He's trying to make it obvious to you. :)

God Bless,

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St. Josemaria has made me think so much about time.... the precious gift it is. How it should not be squandered like a talent buried in the ground. If you enjoy your lazy time......don't read the book!! ;)


The Way:
358 Idleness is something inconceivable in a man who has the soul of an apostle.

963 If time were mere gold you could perhaps afford to squander it. But time is life, and you don't know how much you have left.

448 You haven't been praying? Why, because you haven't had time? But you do have time. Furthermore, what sort of works will you be able to do if you have not meditated on them in the presence of the Lord, so as to put them in order? Without that conversation with God, how can you finish your daily work with perfection? Look, it is as if you claimed you had no time to study because you were too busy giving lessons. Without study you cannot teach well.

Prayer has to come before everything. If you do not understand this and put it into practice, don't tell me that you have no time: it's simply that you do not want to pray.

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