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Catholics Give Kerry Cool Welcome In Steubenville


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STEUBENVILLE, September 7, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A group of Catholic
protesters gave John Kerry an unexpectedly cool welcome in that working
class, traditionally Democrat town. Students, children, workingmen,
housewives and nuns in full habits arrived in the rain at the park where
Kerry planned to speak hours before his arrival. Carrying signs that read,
"Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church," "You Can't be Catholic and
Pro-Abortion," and "Pontius Pilate was Also Personally Opposed."

Clutching Rosaries, a crowd that the Sheriff's department estimated as large
as 500, marched and silently protested the presidential candidate's
anti-life stand on abortion. Kerry who claims to be a devout Catholic, was
visibly shaken when his speech was booed in this town that campaign
organizers had expected to be enthusiastically supportive.

Steubenville is a union-based town that has been hit hard by tough times and
is normally a bastion of Democrat support. However, Kerry campaign
organizers did not know about the impact on the local community of Catholics
organized around Franciscan University. Local churches and Catholics from
throughout the Diocese of Steubenville took part in the march they said was
meant for reverence, prayer, sacrifice and to challenge Kerry to stand up
for life. "We prayed all four mysteries of the rosary," Emily Bissonnette, a
junior at the university, said. "We also have people praying back at

The Kerry team tried several times to have the protesters barred from the
park. The local constabulary was less than co-operative however citing
freedom of speech and assembly and the fact that the rally, and therefore
the protest, were being held in a public park. "They don't look dangerous to
me," the Sheriff said.

One person present said that a little girl started chanting "we want Bush"
in the midst of Kerry's speech. "We all chanted along. The campaign staff
was beside themselves." The local councilman at large, Michael Hernon passed
out Bush-Cheney signs to those waiting in line. "If you look at the record,
Kerry is not good for this area," he said. "He is not in sync with steel.
This is the largest counter-rally protest during a Kerry rally in the

Herald Star coverage:

Notes from those present along with photos can be seen at:

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:cheer: Wayong!! Steubenville rocks my socks!! :cheer:

Hehe, I wish I could have seen Kerry's face when that little girl started chanting "We want Bush" :lol:

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