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A Question About Sins


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I have two questions:

1. If you pass a homeless person on the street and all you have is a $20 bill in your pocket but you know you have money in the bank, is it a sin to just pass him by even though you're supposed to give til it hurts and giving that $20 would 'hurt?' is that being selfish?

2. If you go to medical school and you are learning how to perform tubal ligations (getting your tubes tied) b/c you want to become an OB/GYN and you HAVE to do it to get your medical degree, is that considered a mortal sin since tubal ligation is a mortal sin for the person who is having that done?

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1. It is no sin to NOT feed or offer alms to EVERy person who needs it. If you don't need the money and can give it, then give it. If you can't then don't. Charity is done in YOUR freedom, and it is done for YOUR good. All of your money is a gift, so do with the gift God has given you as you see fit.

2. There are usually ways to exempt out of these procedures unde conscience clauses. It is also possible to perform the operation on a cadaver or an animal, if this would be allowed.

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