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Woah, Old Email

Brother Adam

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I just found this email from my Lutheran pastor just months before I became a Baptist. It is dated January 1, 2001

[quote]Baptism is not a symbol for anything,it is a sacrament - action prescribed
by Christ, using his word(s) and  involving an earthly element(in this case
water) and delivering God's promise(product)i.e. life, salvation and
forgiveness. You don't have to be intelliegent, mature,a certain age or
anything to receive this action of God. The intellectual comprehension of
faith IS a human activity and a process which takes place over time( you are
going through this now and so am I - we're never really done). It would be
capricious to say how much knowledge of the faith is enough to warrant
baptism - this concept puts the emphasis on the human activity (an amount of
intellectual comprehension versus the pure grace of God) . To require a
certain level of "faith" before Baptism is to put human good works back into
the equation and that is the very concept the reformation tried to correct.
I would say our Baptist brothers and sisters have let this slip in the back
door without meaning to. Pastor B[/quote]

Truth all that time, and I just refused to see it.

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