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Angels And Demons.....

White Knight

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I was wondering, Yes I dunno if theres been a previous thread on this topic or if theres a thread on the topic somewhere else on Phat-mass so I just posted a new one anyway, if theres already one please direct me to it.

Now to the point......... How Often do you think Angels and Demons actually come and effect our lives some how? Rather if the Angels are guarding us, or the Demons are trying to poccess something or somethone, how often do you think there in our daily lives?

Along with of course, [b]God The Father, God The Son, & God the Holy Spirit[/b], Mary, & The Saints in Heaven..

I mean its an Obvious God does the work of good in our lives, provides blessings, helps us in our need, delievers us from Temptations of all kinds, most of all, the one who Saves us from the firey pits of Hell.

[b]But How often do Angels and Demons come into our lives, without us knowing it or even knowing it you think?[/b]

Edited by White Knight
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A whisper is all it takes and you do the rest of the work. Temptation is not a magic spell a demon casts on you, it is the weakness of your own body. The "demon" has but to present the option to you and you will do the rest, unless you are prepared to resist. The only way to overcome temptation is with Grace, and the only way to obtain Grace is through God.
There are of course recorded instances of demonic possession. Likewise there are reports of angelic rescues or interventions. So I would say that there are instances of overt intervention by supernatural entities in our lives. They are rare however.
I believe firmly that when I pray to St. Michael the Archangel for his help in my struggles, he gives me aid.
Read 'The Screwtape Letters' By C.S. Lewis. Humorous look at the way we are influenced by demons.

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Ephesians 6:11 Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil.

Ephesians 6:12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

[pricipalites and powers = classes of angels]

If St. Paul is right, then every moment they are in battle with us.

One time the Devil was beating the heck out of St. Padre Pio, and His Guardian Angel was there, but did not help, although he was armed to the teeth.

After the accuser left, the holy Padre asked his guardian angel why he did not help, the angel said that he did not ask.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 7 2004, 09:11 AM'] A whisper is all it takes and you do the rest of the work.  Temptation is not a magic spell a demon casts on you, it is the weakness of your own body.  The "demon" has but to present the option to you and you will do the rest, unless you are prepared to resist.  The only way to overcome temptation is with Grace, and the only way to obtain Grace is through God. [/quote]
Well to answer the question, very often are angels and demons involved in everyone's life. Angels are present at every Mass. Everyone in Heaven is, as well. So, everytime someone attends Mass, all of Heaven is there with him (if the Priest says Mass with no faithful and even withut an Altar boy, he is still joined by all of Heaven). Grand churches in the past have often placed gargoyles on churches to keep out the evil demons from the church and away from the most Blessed Sacrament. Demons are constantly working in those who sin. As the proverbs say: the Most High hateth the sinner". The demons are constantly working in those people, just as God is in Catholics in a state of grace.


You noted that we obtain Grace from God. That not exactly clear. God is the author of all grace, but the Blessed Virgin is the Mediatrix of all Grace. God authors it, and She "distributes" it, if you will. So, technically we receive the grace from Our Lady, who it was given by God. That is another area in which the Blessed Virgin is constantly helping us and affecting our lives.

Anytime you say the Angelic Salutation (Hail Mary), Our Lady is praying for you. Anytime you ask any Saint to pray for you, the same is done. If you ask St. Anthony to help you find something, he is helping yo do it. If you ask St. Michael the Archangel to protect you, he is doing so.

As far as the Blessed Trinity, Christ Himself in the most intimate way helps those who receive the Blessed Sacrament. God the Holy Ghost gives everyone the light to seek the Truth by grace when they are not of the Truth (non-Catholics). Fr. Paul O'Sullivan wrote a wonderful book on this entitled: "The Holy Ghost: Our Greatest Friend", which can be purchased from a website I frequent, [color=red][Edited by dUSt: linking to website that criticizes the magisterium][/color]. You will see it on the front page in the very middle at the top. God the Father affects us as we pray to Him, and He as well as the Holy Ghost and Christ are the author of grace, so all grace is related to Blessed Trinity; anytime one receives Grace, the Blessed Trinity has affected that person.

I hope that makes more clear how all the Heavenly Host affects us here on earth.

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[quote name='HartfordWhalers' date='Sep 7 2004, 11:16 AM'] Grand churches in the past have often placed gargoyles on churches to keep out the evil demons from the church and away from the most Blessed Sacrament. [/quote]

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Ephesians 6:12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

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Spiritual warefare is constantly occuring. Why would you think that after the angels (lead by my favorite angelic saint, St.Michael), pushed the demons into the netherworld, that the fighting would cease? They fight constantly.

They fight over us now, however, no longer about where the evil ones will stay, for God has decreed it, and so it is. They now fight over our souls, and so they consntly intervene to try to bring us to whichever side they happen to be on.

God bless,


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I love gargoyles.

I have 2 in my home.
(one smells of elderberries his thumb)
The other warns the angels when danger comes near. (not that they need the help, but it gives the little guy something to do)

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Sep 9 2004, 05:47 PM'] Spiritual warefare is constantly occuring. Why would you think that after the angels (lead by my favorite angelic saint, St.Michael), pushed the demons into the netherworld, that the fighting would cease? They fight constantly.

They fight over us now, however, no longer about where the evil ones will stay, for God has decreed it, and so it is. They now fight over our souls, and so they consntly intervene to try to bring us to whichever side they happen to be on.

God bless,

Mikey [/quote]
I never said anything about them not fighting, but I was meaning to be more spefic, by saying, how often do you think they appear in our daily lives, where we can actually see them in our realm?

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You can't neccessarily see spiritual beings...

And, yes, since the fight for souls go on, then they must affect the souls as well, since after all, what better way to win a soul then to go to it and sway it for your side?

God bless,


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What about the every now and then witnesses who experience a supernatural experience? who they claim to actually see Angels & Demons or one or the other.

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I take those with caution. Just saying, it's very possible. There are some beautiful photographs depecting angels that are visable. Just a quick google search might do.

God bless,


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