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Jesus Punishing America By Storms


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Pax Christi everyone.

I have something interesting I wanted to share and ask your opinions on.

This Sunday I was talking with my sister and brother-in-law (both protestant) and they had just came back from a pentecostal service.

My sister said that when they were there someone started talking in tongues and the preacher interpreting it.

According to the person speaking in tongues Jesus is punishing America because of the things it does. This is suppose to explain the Wierd weather and hurricanes coming through.

Now, I understand American could be punished because it is an immoral nation trying to take God out of everything.

But my question is if this was legit, why did the Holy Spirit wait until the hurricanes were here and not give a warning ahead of time that something is going to happen?

Doesnt that just sound convienient to anyone here?

Also, why would the Holy Spirit not tell someone within His Church something as serious as this if indeed it was from God??

What are your thoughts.

God Bless

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Oh, they sound like this guy...


or his other sites (just type www.Godhates____.com, type in slang for homosexual or other nationstates)

I don't get them.

EDIT: There is some crude word usage on his sites, don't go on if you are offended by derogority words or are at work. I just cite him as an example (I heard about him when he protested a Mr. Rogers memorial)

Edited by Iacobus
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Ash Wednesday

It sounds theologically unsound and flaky to me.

Didn't Jesus reject the suggestion that being born blind was punishment for sin? It's the same idea to me -- that misfortune always happens as punishment for sin.

These same hurricanes that are smashing into Florida and affecting the lives of the profane are also affecting the lives of the just, the innocent, and the poor. The idea that God is punishing in this manner even contradicts Sodom and Gomorrah, where God was willing to spare the cities even for the sake of a very small number of just people.

I don't buy it.

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I feel ya guys on this one..

its sad that alot of people believe this when it happens.

I still say if the Holy Spirit was indeed speaking to them, each and every one of them would be on their faces in prayer.

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i don't believe that they actually speak in tongues. Nor would I give a supernatural experience from a Protestant service much credence.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Sep 7 2004, 09:14 AM'] Good does not author evil... [/quote]
On the contrary, Our Lady of Fatima told the children that wa is a punishment from God for evil done. Just take the plagues to see that God does use natural disasters to punish. Therefore to say a storm is not punishment because of that is not following logically the past, especially Our Lady's warning at Fatima.

In any event, that person was not speaking in true tongues. Outside the Church the Holy Ghost does not give tongues, as this would be to testify to a false religion. It may have been spurred on by satan, however, as I believe I have read before in the work of a certain Priest whose name aludes me...

The preacher wasn't interpreting anything. He just made something up that he wanted to say. In any event, that could be true (that the hurricanes are a punishment), but the Holy Ghost didn't say anything to that "tongue talker" (false tongue) nor to the preacher, as I said, because the Holy Ghost does not testify to a false religion.

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So the people in Florida are badder than the people in Michigan?
Should we rate the states by the amount of bad weather they get? :cyclops:

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[quote]So the people in Florida are badder than the people in Michigan? [/quote]

Isn't Florida the state which was crucial to Bush winning the election last time?

:o :o

teehee...... :leave:

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if God was in the business of using natural disasters to punish, there would have already been a giant earthquate igniting the San Andreas fault and plunging California into the pacific ocean.

but God causes rain to fall on the good and bad alike.

"That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who maketh his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust." [i]The Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter V, Verse VL[/i]

I think that's also a theme of Ecclesiasteces...

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