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Question: What Are You Going To Do When You

i feel like im taking crzy pills

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AfroNova No Limit Soldier

I will ask Him for more souls, if we could have more souls in the name of Jesus Christ.

There's so many souls we are losing. These were the words of our Lady at Fatima.

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If I meet God, I would first fall down and ask forgiveness for all my sins.
Then I'd give him a hug and thank him a bunch.
Then I'd ask him how the earth was created.

If I met Mary then I'd ask her if I could hold baby Jesus.

I am being whole heartedly serious too.

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Ash Wednesday

I would humbly bow or strike my chest like the tax collector in the temple, tell him I am a lowly sinner and to have mercy on me.

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i feel like im taking crzy pills

You guys have awesome thoughts. Don't ya just love this topic?!?! Well, I think now that I will admit that I'm a sinner, cry ten thousand tears, thank him for everything, and give God a hug... then I want to hug everyone that I have ever sinned against that is in heaven and give Mattie Stepanek a big hug because I never got to do that while he was still living... :group:

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I love that song...as you can probobly tell from my sig...


There is another song I know that reminds me of what it will be like to go home. It's called When God Ran. It is a beautiful song about forgiveness, but it is also great to imagine heaven. Here is how the refrain goes:

And then He ran to me,
took me in His arms,
held my head to His chest,
said "My son's come home again,"
looked at my face,
wiped the tears from my eyes,
(with forgiveness in His voice he said,
"Son, do you know I still love you.")

Those tears will be tears of pure joy and contentment knowing I will be able to spend all eternity with my God.

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I would cry (like I'm doing right now; this is so deep.)
I would just stare at Him for a long time... try and absorb His Beauty, even though it's impossible...

You know, someone asked this before, back in May or so, and one PMer said they'd like to sit around and listen to Him speak... I liked that answer, and I'd probably do the same thing.

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