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Euthanasia Of Children In Holland


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Catholic Doctors Criticize Nonconsensual Euthanasia of Children in Holland
Reaction of World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations

ROME, SEPT. 3, 2004 (Zenit.org).- Catholic doctors warned that the new practice
in Holland to euthanize children is another step towards a society in which life
is not respected.

The World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations published a statement
in response to the decision to allow Groningen University Hospital to euthanize
children under 12 when their suffering is intolerable, or if they have an
incurable illness.

The document states that this initiative "is another violent laceration of the
very fundamentals of our social coexistence."

"Officially aimed at putting an end to 'unbearable suffering,' in fact it
permits the killing of human beings without their consent," the statement
continues, signed by Dr. Gian Luigi Gigli, president of the federation.

"This happens in a society, as the Dutch one, in which euthanasia on adults has
been legally performed even on depressed persons and where, as documented by
official studies, there is already an illegal but tolerated euthanasia performed
by physicians" on patients who have not given their consent, the statement adds.

The "decision proposes a death solution in situations which could be addressed
by modern palliative care," the Catholic doctors stress.

Moreover, "the decision raises the suspicion of a financial interest of the
public authorities, since it decreases the 'burden' of prolonged and expensive
care in clinical conditions for which any extension of life duration is
considered meaningless," the statement continues.

Worse yet, "it opens the door on a national scale to the 'mercy killing' of
other mentally incompetent persons, to be eliminated without their consent for
reasons based on an external appreciation of their quality of life," said the

This move is also in line with the Aug. 26 decision of the Kentucky Supreme
Court, which granted legal authority to the state to end the life of one of its
citizens, the statement adds.

"The case involved a mildly retarded black male, Matthew Woods, who was placed
on a ventilator after suffering cardiac arrest at the age of 54. The state
requested permission to remove his life support, contrary to the wishes of
Woods' guardian ad litem," the statement explains.

The statement appeals to "medical doctors still committed to the Hippocratic
Oath, to feel the moral imperative to contrast the slippery slope that, step by
step, is permitting the public authorities to take decisions on which lives are
worthy to be lived."

"The next steps will be the mental capacity bill under scrutiny by the British
Parliament, and the attempt by local authorities to change the ethical code of
Belgian doctors," the statement stresses.

"The risks of such an attitude, in terms of violence and discrimination, should
be evident for physicians and call them to resist and fight," the statement

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i feel like im taking crzy pills


That really pisses me off.

I know they want to do it because the people may not be living a very good life, but they have been granted life from God. I

t is sort of like abortion (I'm not saying that they are the same thing, and I don't wanna debate or anything, I'm just sort of comparing for a few seconds... no big thing). I mean, other people are deciding if the life in question is worthy of living. I pray for the women who commit abortions. It just makes me want to cry on the inside because people are not given the chance to live the life that they were created for. :sadder:

My neighbor who committed an abortion may have birthed the next Einstein or Shakespear. I don't know. When euthanasia is practiced, it kills people just because others think that their life cannot be enjoyed any more.

Technology has made many huge advances in the last 100 years, and we should use that to our advantage, not against people just because we can.

So, those are just some of my thoughts that came into my head. They aren't very organized or thought out. I'll post back later...

I'm praying for the children in Holland...

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Disgusting.. :( I'm grateful for Rome's strong pro-life stance - were it not for her, I think our world would have gone to heck in a handbasket by now.

Edited by ICTHUS
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errrr.....i hate euthanasia....i mean seriously...its the same as murder or suicide (if the person wants them to kill him/her) i am soo strongly against euthanasia because alot of times it is against people like my brothers, who are phisically unable to do many things, but are extremely smart and love everyone and definatly DO NOT take life for granted. they brighten the day of everyone who is near them. i will for sure be praying for the end of euthanasia and abortion.

Mary, our mother and Queen of Queens, please help to end Abortion & Euthanasia and all other things that take life from someone. Please help all of their souls and those of the faithful dpearted, by the mercy of God, rest in peace. AMEN!

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why is holland becoming more and more like the world in huxley's 'brave new world?' i think that people in the U.N. and all the leaders in holland need to read that book so they know what hell they are creating in their own country.

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