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10% Tithing


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I have always been told that tithing 10% to the Chruch is the recomended donation. Now does this mean that your 10% has to go to a parish? Is I support some missionaries or phatmass oe some other charitable organization is that considered part of my 10% tithe?

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9/4 - Twenty-second Saturday


First of all, nowhere in the New Testament does it say that we are required to tithe 10% - in fact, that comes from the book of Genesis, when Abraham gave Melchisedech a tenth portion of everything he owned.

God owns everything you have - you just have it on loan. He simply asks for a small sum of it back to propogate His works. This has typically been understood to mean 10% of one's income. However, "10%" is a numerical way of saying "give 'till it hurts a little." For me, 10% doesn't hurt a whole lot - but 15% sure does.

And no, your money doesn't [i]have[/i] to go to your parish (though it should). If you are in a rich parish, then give to a charitable organization - Catholic Charities, the Knights of Columbus (or of St. Peter Claver, depending), Catholic hospitals, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, &c., can always use a few extra bucks to make ends meet. Hope this helps.

Pio Nono

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