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Greetings my fellow knights who have made it through August's temptations to join us at the table! God alone has gotten you a seat here, thank Him for it. We achieve nothing without Him. Prayers to our sweet Mother has gotten you here. Prayers for saint's intercession has gotten you here. NO HUMAN TRAITS have gotten you here. Remember that. God's strength alone. This thread is for everything "Knights." Post your heroic tales of of battle and give advice on being able to resist. This thread is for us my fellow Knights. God is our "King Arthur," we are His Knights. We fight FOR HIM. Are you with me?!?!?!

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**Tie for Top Knight**


For easy access I added this here.

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i hereby claim my seat at this table.

i want to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for helping me get through the month of August.. was a bumpy ride, but with His strength i made it through.

when nearing temptation, i usually did 1 of 2 things:

i turned on some lovely spiritual music to calm my mind down, and to rid my mind of those thoughts

and i usually began saying the Rosary.

prayer is a powerful thing!

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<Walk's up to table.>
<Sit's down.>

My Lord, and My God. I desire nothing but you.
St. Michael, May your sword protect all of the Knight's, those at the Table and those who deserve to be at the Table.
Mother Mary, suround us with your protection.
St. Joseph...Pray for Us.


when nearing temptation I did many different things:

1st...I would hold my Rosary...AKA Hold Mary's Hand.

2nd...Grab my St. Benedict's Medal, and pray for St. Michael's protection.

3rd....Pray for what was tempting me. (Father, Forgive them, They know not what they do.)

4th...I wear a rubber band, and when tempted by Lust, I would snap it and pray a Hail Mary.

Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus.


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<Takes seat at the table>

It is an honor to be with you guys and gals. It is a hard road I've travled and I can't say it's getting any easier.

When tempted there are many things I do, but it depends on when and where it happens. So I'll take the nearest example, a really noisy hall in my dorm.

My room in the dorm is in the old sorority, it is called Alpha Chi. (It isn't a sorority any longer) The hallway is the most traveled hallway in the whole dorm because it is the quickest route to the main class room building, and to just get into the building late at night with out being caught by the RA. So I will be in my room trying to sleep, saying my prayers silently hoping not to disturb my roomate. Then some guys traveling through the hall will start banging on random doors, yelling swearing ect. and a typical reaction for me would be to get up, unlock my door and start yelling and swearing back. Not the right thing to do. The worst thing possible for me is to loose my temper and start swearing, because when I start it usually takes me a while to calm down and resist the temptation to "seek revenge" or make it worse for them than it is for me.

So what I end up doing is[list]
[*]Take a deep breath
[*]Look to the Crucifix and Rosary hanging next to my bed
[*]Pray to my Guardian Angel
[*]Pray for the people making the noise that they may be blessed
[*]Finally pray for myself, thanking God that I didn't loose my temper and thanking Him for fighting this temptation

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Soldier4Him' date='Sep 4 2004, 02:09 PM'] **Soldier4Him--XXI**
immaculata--XIV [/quote]
oh, I am way higher than I thought I would be...

Wow, this is pretty different...

*finds placecard with her name on it and sits down discreetly*

I'm going to have to keep this up! School will be hard and it will keep me busy, and Satan always creeps in quietly when things are busy, so no one really notices him...

So I am Lady FutureNunJMJ!

Congradulations fellow Knights!

My aversion from sin:

Think of God constantly and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!

I sometimes forget that, and, well, fall...

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i must find immaculata. she should be here with us...

keep it up everybody! God is with us always...

even when it seems like nobody's there. i constantly remind myself of that.

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*Pounds fist on the table* She (Immaculata) should be here INDEED! *Glances around* Now where is that dear prayer partner of mine.....

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[quote name='Soldier4Him' date='Sep 11 2004, 12:57 AM'] *Pounds fist on the table* She (Immaculata) should be here INDEED! *Glances around* Now where is that dear prayer partner of mine..... [/quote]

Actually, I feel that I should not be here at all. I'm weak and lazy in keeping up my guard, not at all what a true knight is supposed to be. -_-

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[quote name='Fiat_Voluntas_Tua' date='Sep 12 2004, 05:34 PM'] Have you ever used a rubber band to keep you from keeping you from falling into sexual temptation? [/quote]
i like that idea Andy.... not bad at all!

also, crystalbluejay--welcome to PM... just a friendly reminder that this thread is only for those who were involved with this program.... from what i recall anyway. now that it's no longer pinned that may have changed...

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