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Life Begins At Conception?

Good Friday

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oh, also, based on the reasoning he gave for this post, he should have posted this in the Apologetics Phorum

and now, now, now, now i'm done giving advice where it isn't my place to give it. srry.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 3 2004, 09:51 PM'] if you can't look to PhatMass for answers where can you look? [/quote]
your parish Priest and MORE

there are many places where you can look to for answers Al. PM doesn't always have everything, though we sometimes think it does.

[quote]Maybe, since you do not believe the Catholic Church is right in anything now, are you trying to cast doubt in the minds of faithful Catholics?[/quote]

and ironmonk... he did not express any intent to mislead fellow Catholics. he also did not say that he does not believe that the Catholic Church is right in anything, from what i've read of his.

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Where did you get your information from? I found those exact "quotes/questions" from a pro-Choice" "[i]catholic[/i]" site. It was called "catholics for choice." The whole site made me sick...

Things from unfaithful Catholic sites can and will be distorted, especially when they have an agenda. And especially in regards to respecting life.

peace and God Bless.

Edited by jmjtina
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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 3 2004, 10:53 PM'] also, i don't think he should get phishy just for asking questions (assuming that's why he's phishy now)

but that's just IMHO [/quote]
I believe he got "phishy" for totally denying that the Catholic Church is right on anything it teaches and rejecting the Church on one of his blogs.

I posted the "why don't you look it up" because of the way he posted it instead of looking for the sources that it mentions... That, along with his attack on the Church in the [url="http://progressio.blogspot.com"]blog[/url] of his, and posts on [url="http://www.cta-usa.org/board/phpBB2/"]http://www.cta-usa.org/board/phpBB2/[/url] is the reason why I replied the way I did.

Also, I posted the way I did because he use to be one that looked things up... It boggles my mind why he would take it at face value.

One would think that anyone on this board that has intelligence like nate does would have learned to double check every attack on the Church teachings before posting it. If it was someone new to the board, I would have posted softer.

Nate is smarter than that... for him to carelessly post untruths without checking something that is so easy to check, calls suspicion to the thread.

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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i don't know where his blog is anymore, last time i knew he stopped blogging on the advice of a spiritual director so I was less informed of his motivations, i thought he might have just seen these and come here to ask questions

anyway, i think it's fine for someone to hear an argument against the faith and then post it here to see how Phatmassers refute it. that's what I thought Nathan was doing here.

i know a whole bunch as well, but that doesn't mean i've stopped feeling comfortable asking questions about opposing arguments so that everyone at PhatMass can take a shot at refuting it. if his intention was truly to do the research here about it, then i have no problem with that. the collective work of PhatMassers should be considered a resource where one can do research

but again, i was unaware of Nathan's current views

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[quote name='i_feel_like_im_taking_crzy_pills' date='Sep 3 2004, 12:01 PM'] Personally, I do think that life begins at conception, but hey, that's just me... [/quote]
don't say that's just you. When something is true, it's true for everyone, not just you. Two pllus two is four for you and for me. Life begins at conception because it CAN'T begin anywhere else, unless you're going to say that cells that aren't alive grow and reproduce themselves and use energy. Nothing against you personally, I'm just giving a friendly tip when debating. Don't state your position as mere opinion. It weakens your position. Establish it as a fact and force your opponent to prove otherwise.

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[quote name='ironmonk']Maybe, since you do not believe the Catholic Church is right in anything now, are you trying to cast doubt in the minds of faithful Catholics?[/quote]
God, I was asking a question. You people need less caffeine in your diet. Surely you know me well enough by now to know that if I had wanted to advance the pro-choice position, I [b]would have[/b] advanced the pro-choice position -- I'm not into subtlety.

I asked a question. Thank you for your answers. I think I'll ask fewer questions if personal attacks are [b]always[/b] going to be the response.

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Guest JeffCR07

GoodFriday, while I have not responded to this particular thread, I will make a concerted effort to remain as charitable as possible in all conversations, you are entirely correct to note that personal attacks need not follow every discussion.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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GF, you should post questions like this in the Apologetics section if the positions your posting are not those that you agree with or want to argue on behalf of

if you're looking for our response to a pro-choice argument, or to a protestant argument, or to any argument that you are not defending, post the question in Apologetics.


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[quote name='Aloysius']GF, you should post questions like this in the Apologetics section if the positions your posting are not those that you agree with or want to argue on behalf of[/quote]
No problem. I've actually not been in the apologetics section, and I thought it was only for Catholics to post resources for Catholic apologetics -- I didn't know questions were answered there, as well.

If I have any other questions, I'll post there, sorry!

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