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Britney Spears Ditches Kabbalah Plans For Catholic


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[quote]Why is she getting married in Gods eyes ? With her being such a big sleeze she sins all the time . Im not saying that I dont sin ,but she sins way more than I do I think. [/quote]

Wow, is it just me, or am I noticing my Pham being a little judgmental here....

You guys casting the stones, have sinned just as much as Britney has! Shes human, and makes mistakes, and I am in NO WAY saying everything she has done in the past is NORMAL or RIGHT in the eyes of GOD! But every human being is essentially GOOD...we all have it in us, we all have the potential to be saints!

Whos to say that Brit dosen't have a relationship with God?

Since when have we became the judges of souls....last time I checked that was God's job title! :P

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We can't judge her repentance. Who knows what is happening in her heart.

I kinda feel sorry for her. She seems to me to be a puppet to the media and it doesn't look like being a puppet helped her form her conscience right. Another part does not feel sorry for her because she is her own person and she can make her own decisions and marrying a guy whose ex-girl friend has two kids (one on the way) is just plain illogical. What does she say, "Oh I am so excited. I love kids!!"

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yeah that's true. i certainly wouldn't want to marry a guy with two kids. i'd be afraid that he'd dump me once i got pregnant. i would tell him to be a good father and get back together with his children's mother.

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oh now all us Catholics are gonna hear..."Oh wait didn't Britney Spears get married in the Catholic Church?" Says alot for us doesn't it?

<_< :angry:

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Judgements on her decisions and personality aside, she still shouldn't be allowed to get married in the Church. For one, it doesn't even seem like she wants to, and wants to live the rest of her life as a practising Catholic.

It's like her way of doing her in-laws a "favor". She's still gonna remain in the Kabbalah sect!
So, really, there's no reason why their wedding should be approved.

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[quote name='picchick' date='Sep 6 2004, 10:05 AM'] We can't judge her repentance. Who knows what is happening in her heart.

Isn't part of repentance righting the wrong that was been done?

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I don't think anyone is judging the salvation of Britney Spears' soul, which is what most people think when they think judgment.

I think that this thread is about judging Spears' action and pointing out it's serious nature.

This has been brought up b4, but judment is not just judging the soul, it is judging actions. We are not allowed to judge the salvation of one's soul, however we are called, as Christians, to discern and judge the actions of others, Christian or not.

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Ash Wednesday

I don't think everyone is intending to "judge" Britney or assume anything about the state her soul, but let's face it. Thousands of people look to her as an example, and she's being a fool. There's a difference between saying "she's going to hell" and "she's being a fool and what she does is wrong."

I'd be more alarmed if people were silent on the subject.

Pray for Britney Spears and her fiance.

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