HartfordWhalers Posted September 5, 2004 Share Posted September 5, 2004 I quoted this in a previous thread regarding Purgatory. I don't know if it's beneficial or not... 414. Q. What is Purgatory? A. Purgatory is the state in which those suffer for a time who die guilty of venial sins, or without having satisfied for the punishment due to their sins. "Punishment,"--that is, temporal punishment, already explained to you. After the general judgment there will be Heaven and Hell, but no Purgatory, for there will be no men living or dying upon the earth in its present condition to go there. All will be dead and judged and sent to their final abodes. Those in Purgatory are the friends of God; and knowing Him as they do now, they would not go into His holy presence with the slightest stain upon their souls; still they are anxious for their Purgatory to be ended that they may be with God. They suffer, we are told, the same pains of sense as the damned; but they suffer willingly, for they know that it is making them more pleasing to God, and that one day it will all be over and He will receive them into Heaven. Their salvation is sure, and that thought makes them happy. If, therefore, you believe any of your friends are in Purgatory, you should help them all you can, and try by your prayers and good works to shorten their time of suffering. They will help you--though they cannot help themselves--by their prayers. And oh, when they are admitted into Heaven, how they will pray for those that have helped them out of Purgatory! If you do this great charity, God will, when you die, put in some good person's heart to pray for you while you suffer in Purgatory. There must be a Purgatory, for one who dies with the slightest stain of sin upon his soul cannot enter Heaven, and yet God would not send him to Hell for so small a sin. But why does God punish those He loves? Why does He not forgive everything? He punishes because He is infinitely just and true. He warned them that if they did certain things they would be punished; and they did them, and God must keep His promise. Moreover He is just, and must give to everyone exactly what he deserves. Summa Theologica: Whether the pains of Purgatory surpass all the temporal pains of this life? Objection 1. It would seem that the pains of Purgatory do not surpass all the temporal pains of this life. Because the more passive a thing is the more it suffers if it has the sense of being hurt. Now the body is more passive than the separate soul, both because it has contrariety to a fiery agent, and because it has matter which is susceptive of the agent's quality: and this cannot be said of the soul. Therefore the pain which the body suffers in this world is greater than the pain whereby the soul is cleansed after this life. Objection 2. Further, the pains of Purgatory are directly ordained against venial sins. Now since venial sins are the least grievous, the lightest punishment is due to them, if the measure of the stripes is according to the measure of the fault. Therefore the pain of Purgatory is the lightest of all. Objection 3. Further, since the debt of punishment is an effect of sin, it does not increase unless the sin increases. Now sin cannot increase in one whose sin is already remitted. Therefore if a mortal sin has been remitted in a man who has not fully paid the debt of punishment, this debt does not increase when he dies. But while he lived he was not in debt to the extent of the most grievous punishment. Therefore the pain that he will suffer after this life will not be more grievous to him than all other pains of this life. On the contrary, Augustine says in a sermon (xli De Sanctis): "This fire of Purgatory will be more severe than any pain that can be felt, seen or conceived in this world." Further, the more universal a pain is the greater it is. Now the whole separate soul is punished, since it is simple: which is not the case with the body. Therefore this, being the punishment of the separate soul, is greater than any pain suffered by the body. I answer that, In Purgatory there will be a twofold pain; one will be the pain of loss, namely the delay of the divine vision, and the pain of sense, namely punishment by corporeal fire. With regard to both the least pain of Purgatory surpasses the greatest pain of this life. For the more a thing is desired the more painful is its absence. And since after this life the holy souls desire the Sovereign Good with the most intense longing--both because their longing is not held back by the weight of the body, and because, had there been no obstacle, they would already have gained the goal of enjoying the Sovereign Good--it follows that they grieve exceedingly for their delay. Again, since pain is not hurt, but the sense of hurt, the more sensitive a thing is, the greater the pain caused by that which hurts it: wherefore hurts inflicted on the more sensible parts cause the greatest pain. And, because all bodily sensation is from the soul, it follows of necessity that the soul feels the greatest pain when a hurt is inflicted on the soul itself. That the soul suffers pain from the bodily fire is at present taken for granted, for we shall treat of this matter further on [Cf. Supplement, 70, 3]. Therefore it follows that the pain of Purgatory, both of loss and of sense, surpasses all the pains of this life. Some, however, prove this from the fact that the whole soul is punished, and not the body. But this is to no purpose, since in that case the punishment of the damned would be milder after the resurrection than before, which is false. Reply to Objection 1. Although the soul is less passive than the body, it is more cognizant of actual suffering [passionis]: and where the sense of suffering is greater, there is the greater pain, though the suffering be less. Reply to Objection 2. The severity of that punishment is not so much a consequence of the degree of sin, as of the disposition of the person punished, because the same sin is more severely punished then than now. Even so a person who has a better temperament is punished more severely by the same sentence than another; and yet the judge acts justly in condemning both for the same crimes to the same punishment. This suffices for the Reply to the Third Objection. (from newadvent.net) The pain of fire in Purgatory is the same as that of Hell. Unless one claims that Hell is a mere state of being (which is condemned by the Church, to my knowlegde), then it is only logical that the same must claim that Purgatory is NOT merely a state of being. Since the pain of Hell is no short thing, the pain of Purgatory, which is the same as Hell (pain of sense, that is, fire), must also not be any short-term punishment. Of course, it depends how much you have expiated here on earth. I would suggest Read Me or Rue It by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan for more information of the pains of Purgatory. He notes that a Purgatory of 50 or 100 years in no way increases one's merit in Heaven, but every pain and suffering on earth not only decreases one's Purgatory but also increases one's merit and place in Heaven. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donna Posted September 5, 2004 Share Posted September 5, 2004 Hi, Adam. A good honest thread, thanks a lot for posting it. Maybe you've heard this? That the Cure of Ars said we should pray much for the souls in purgatory, that they may pray much for us. Suggestion: ask the souls in purgatory to obtain for you understanding in what you're struggling with. (PS: A good motive to pray for the souls is to recognize that in doing so we practice charity towards God. Love. How very few on earth really know, love and serve Him - it is all around us. A soul released from Purgatory gives Him glory...). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donna Posted September 5, 2004 Share Posted September 5, 2004 Hatrford, thanks for the [i]Summa.[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HartfordWhalers Posted September 5, 2004 Share Posted September 5, 2004 My pleasure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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