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The Spiritual War


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Can't you see it? Watch the news, it's more real than the breath in our lungs.


Signs of the times, are they here?


I see it, do you?

division---Christ One Church divided because of men's opinion,
abuse---sex, physcial, mental
murder---abortion, innocence slaugtered!

More and More these things happen!!!

So sad!

Help us Lord Jesus, come take what is Your's!

Your Kingdom where you reign in the Holy Eucharist.

God Bless

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[quote]Your Kingdom where you reign in the Holy Eucharist.[/quote]

ok, Jesus is present in the eucharist, so you believe.

but is that where he really [i]reigns[/i] too??

Edited by mulls
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It aint the end of the world, or even near it! Youve been watching Mr. Flurry to much I think.

[quote]Your Kingdom where you reign in the Holy Eucharist.

As for that? WHAT THE HECK!?

He dont reign there.. :blink:

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[quote name='mulls' date='Sep 3 2004, 01:56 PM']

ok, Jesus is present in the eucharist, so you believe.

but is that where he really [i]reigns[/i] too?? [/quote]
Now ur until Non-Catholic! Everyones non-catholic now :blink:

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[quote name='Jason' date='Sep 2 2004, 11:22 PM'] Can't you see it? Watch the news, it's more real than the breath in our lungs.


Signs of the times, are they here?


I see it, do you?

division---Christ One Church divided because of men's opinion,
abuse---sex, physcial, mental
murder---abortion, innocence slaugtered!

More and More these things happen!!!

So sad!

Help us Lord Jesus, come take what is Your's!

Your Kingdom where you reign in the Holy Eucharist.

God Bless
Jason [/quote]
Jason none of these things are new. Instant communication about them is.

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote]Your Kingdom where you reign in the Holy Eucharist[/quote]

Mulls and Morph, while I certainly do not presume to speak for Jason, I believe the above statement is reconcilable with Church teaching, if understood in the following context:

All of the earth us under Christ's command, and it is just as truly His Kingdom as is Heaven, for all things belong to the Father, and to Christ, the Logos, who has ever been "with God" as well as being God himself, and to the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

Truly, there should be no question as to whether or not Christ reigns here on earth, and so I will assume that the main point you two are trying to raise is the issue of Christ reigning "in the Holy Eucharist."

This too, is reconcilable if properly understood. If one states that "David reigned in Jerusalem," what is meant is that David, who reigns, is physically present in Jerusalem while he is reigning. In the same manner, we can say that "Christ reigns in the Holy Eucharist" if by this we mean simply that Christ, who reigns over all the earth, is physically present on that earth in the Holy Eucharist. Thus the catholic understands that not only does Christ reign in heaven above at the right hand of the Father, but that he also reigns here on earth in the Most Holy Eucharist.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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Christ the Pantokrator rules the entire cosmos. But the Eucharist, as the extension of the incarnation throughout time and space, is the fundamental point of focus for the fulfillment of Christ's reign in creation; for it is through the created elements of bread and wine, substantially changed into His body and blood, that the eternal Son of God raises man into the sublime mystery of the Trinity, elevating the human creature above his own created nature, and bringing him into the divine life and glory. This is the mystery of redemption which Christ continues to perform through His mystical Body, the Church; until He comes again at the end of the age.

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[quote name='mulls' date='Sep 2 2004, 10:26 PM']

ok, Jesus is present in the eucharist, so you believe.

but is that where he really [i]reigns[/i] too?? [/quote]
One of Satans major attacks on the Truth right here.

On Christ's True Presence in The Holy Eucharist!

Christ does reign in the Holy Eucharist, He reigns on earth, He is Truly Present in The Holy Eucharist!

God Bless

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[quote name='Jason' date='Sep 3 2004, 07:09 PM'] One of Satans major attacks on the Truth right here.

Jason [/quote]

a simple "yes" with a short explanation would have sufficed.

but thanks for playing anyway.

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[quote name='MorphRC' date='Sep 3 2004, 09:42 AM'] Now ur until Non-Catholic! Everyones non-catholic now :blink: [/quote]
Mulls has been non-Catholic since he joined PhatMass

we hope he'll be following Bro Adam's lead eventually though. hehe.

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