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Political Message


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[quote] Because this has to do with the media, and the lack of truth.

It's part of the topic.  [/quote]


The topic is the hypocrisy of the media. You used a political example to prove your point.

Even if you're right about the hypocricy (or politics in general), you're simply wrong that the post was not political.

Admit that you're wrong. If it helps, take heed to your own words on why you won't admit you're wrong, in reference to the refutation to you saying you were not using a political message:

[quote]  Because it's true and no one likes to be wrong. [/quote]

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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i couldn't help myself..

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Charity demands correction.

But seriously, probably not. (but make sure note the irony in these posts; if you're not sure what I'm talking about, then just ask)

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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