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Silly Songs You Hear On The Radio


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How many people here have heard popular songs on the radio (whether current or old) that are so freakin' stupid and yet you can't help but like them? Which ones?

For me, I'd have to list "Barbie Girl" by Aqua and "Mambo No. 5" by Lou Bega.

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Oh, no kidding...I know there's a bunch of those that I like but I can't think of them...here's an old one that I really, really don't like but is really dumb...

Who Let The Dogs Out?!

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Stacy's Mom!!!!!!!!!!

oh so funny....

"Stacy's mom has got it goin on..

She's all that I want and I've waited for so long.

Stacy can't you see?

You're just not the girl for me.

I know it might be wrong but,

I'm in love with Stacy's mom."

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haha that song always gets stuck in my head!!

that other song too, "if you got the poison, i've gots the remedy"

when i fall in love

i take my time

theres no need to hurry when i'm making up my mind.

you can turn off the sun,

but im still going shine

and i'lll tell you why........

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Immaculata! Where did you hear that one? Guess I'm just not with the hip music anymore!

There's one on the Christian radio station here that's kinda funny but I like it....

It's by Chris Rice "The Other Side of the Radio"

Here I am on the other side of the radio

Wonderin' why I'm here and why anybody cares what I say

No I'm not a better man because I'm singing the songs on the radio

'Cause we're all the same

At the end of the day

Now I imagine you on the other side of the radio

Doing your homework or driving with your windows down on the freeway

I see you tapping the wheel I - see you bobbing your head to the radio

Oh and it makes my day

To see that smile on your face

And in some small way, I remember my place


'Cause its you me singing the same song right now

Maybe this'll bring us together some how

Maybe there's a million people all singing along

Somebody started thinking about the third line

And maybe someone's saying a prayer for the first time

And that's enough reason to keep me singing my song

Singing my songs on the other side of the radio

Crank up the volume and sing at the top of your lungs with the radio

Tune it in to some good news and laughing along with the DJ

We're changing somebody's world from the other side of the radio

Oh and it makes my day

To see that smile on your face

And in some small way, I'll remember my place



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  Birgitta Noel said:
Immaculata!  Where did you hear that one?  Guess I'm just not with the hip music anymore!

that song is more alternative, its not really hip-hop. its song played by a band.

its pretty funny.

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Quite playing games with my heart

(echo) with my heart

I should have known from the start

Quite playing games

Oh, baby baby,

the love that we shared was so strong......

<_< okay, enough of this torture. The sad part is, that stupid Backstreet boy song is in my head. Thanks Delilia......love someone tonight......her voice gets on my nerves...... <_<


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Dellilah drives me up the wall. I just want to tell her to be QUIET!!!!

And yes Ryan, I did mean hip as in cool, thanks :-)

Glad to hear someone else likes that song!


Edited by Birgitta Noel
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  Birgitta Noel said:
Dellilah drives me up the wall.  I just want to tell her to be QUIET!!!!

Thank you!

The last time I made that comment, I insulted someone who started crying and felt the need to dedicate a song to me..... <_<

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Hee hee, that's funny. She's just got that voice, it's almost condescending. She sounds like she's trying to appease someone, or something, I just can't even describe it!

You know I never minded when Kasey Kasum dedicated songs, but Dellilah! Auuuuuuuugh!

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opps sorry brig! hehe ryans right. i read it wrong....


The last time I made that comment, I insulted someone who started crying and felt the need to dedicate a song to me.....

but you liked that song that they dedicated to you! wasn't it like hero by mariah carey?

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I remember working out at the health club about 10 years ago and hearing a song that had the refrain "'B' stands for....." (man, I can't stand that song!!)

Of course, listen to any Weird Al song ("livin' in an Amish paradise..")

And there is a local DJ Steve Dahl that had a few parodies:

"Ayatollah" (parody of "My Sharona")

"Falklands" (parody of "Freezeframe")

Edited by Norseman82
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