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Christ's Perpetual Passion, Death And Resurection

Jake Huether

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As a spin off of my attempt in another thread to try to explain how the Mass isn't a "re-sacrifice" or a new sacrifice, but rather a perpetuation of the ONE sacrifice at Calvory, for our benefit, I was suddenly thinking last night about our sins.

You see, Christ, God that is, is out of time and space. His Passion, therefore, although only suffered once in earth time, MUST be perpetual due to the fact that Christ (in "God's time") stretches from the very first sin, to the very last sin at the end of the world. In other words... Although Christ already suffered lashings and thorns and nails ONCE, my sins NOW still are driving the nails into Christs hands THEN. When we sin, we perpetuat what happened once in time. When the last person at the end of the world sins, his sin's still (although thousands of years later) are causing Christ (back then) to suffer His most Divine Passion!

In the same sence, as we perpetuate Christ's Passion, through our sins, Christ perpetually Dies and Rises for those sins at MASS!

It is so clear in my mind! But oh what a silly language we have that I cannot just project my toughts to you. I hope that someone grasps what I am saying and can better convey what I'm trying to say.

In the Holy Mass we do not re-Sacrifice Chrsit, and Christ doesn't re-rise.

Just like when we sin we do not re-whip Christ, we do not re-place a crown of thorns on his head, and we do not re-drive the nails into his hands and feet!

But when our sins, and the future sins of the world are what drove the nails into Christs hands! It is still happening (perpetual), although for Christ (in our time) it already happened.

When we celebrate Mass, and the future Mass' of the world, Christ is being sacrificed and rising! It is still happening for us (perpetual) - it has to because we are still in existance and need to be covered by the Blood of Christ - although for Chrsit (in our time) it already happened.

If we didn't have the Mass, then there would be no offset for our perpetual crucifiction of Christ by our sins! Christ MUST put his singular and historical death and resurection into perpetuation for US because He is not confined to our time.

If that makes any sense, it is by the Grace of God, because I'm trying to put clear thoughts into a language that cannot express my true intention right now.

May the Holy Spirit speak through what I have written.

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If we didn't have the Mass, then there would be no offset for our perpetual crucifiction of Christ by our sins! Christ MUST put his singular and historical death and resurection into perpetuation for US because He is not confined to our time.

This is my favorite quote from this post!

Great job, Jake!! B)

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  lizofhungry said:
Jake, very well said.  You put it into terms, i think, that anyone could understand.  Excellent.  Do you give talks?  if you don't, you should  :)

Welcome! And thankyou. No, I've never really given a talk. I wish to, but when the time is right. That is, when God wishes me to!

Thanks again!

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