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Pray Hard!


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Hi all,I just was watching the Republican National Convention and saw Democratic Senator Zell Millers speech , it was so awesome I was cheering and it was his speech that inspired me to start this thread.

All I have to say is pray hard that President Bush gets re-elected this upcoming election .He is the one our nation needs to be safe from terror and the like ,to keep gay marriage out ,and to protect the unborn,even if he is for it if a woman gets raped, he is not for it in all other circumstances .Offer many sacrifices,many Rosaries,many Our Fathers and many Masses up so that our President gets re-elected this upcoming election ,he is the one on Gods side.Pray ,Pray ,Pray!!!!!!!

Go George W.Bush!!!!!!!! :D :lol: :cool: :)

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If it be The LORD's will yes, if not I can completely understand, if GWB doesn't relected, but I [b]"HOPE"[/b] He does get relected, so I will pray hard, most of all we sould pray that God's Will shall be done on our lives and country.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Is that what most good Catholics are supporting...? I'm so out of this whole politics thing... I need to find some more facts, but I think Bush may be my choice this time...

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yes!! Dont vote for Kerry!! He is for abortion if you do vote for him and your catholic it will be sinning on your part! So you gotta vote for BUSH!!! LOL

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reasons why Kerry cannot be voted for by Catholics:

he supports abortion
AND stem cell research
AND gay marriages

those are 3 of the non-negotiables. DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT, think of supporting him...

or consider yourself ex-communicated.. and you do it to youself.

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ya why is that ? kerry is for gay marriage ,stem cell research and abortion . those are against God and His Church ,why would you vote against the Chuch?

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