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The Most Wonderful Sound


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  • 2 weeks later...

CONGRATS. i CAN'T WAIT TILL I HAVE A BABY, BUT WAIT... I have to get a boyfriend, marry, and then get pg. But I also have to graduate Highschol, and college, so I guess it'll b a while LOL.

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[quote]Armaments, Chapter 45, verses 6-12:

And the Lord said "Let there be Phatmassers of every size and colour, and let them spring forth from other Phatmassers, and let them creepeth upon the earth, and draw sympathy and adoration from all that gaze upon them, and verily, they shall spitteth up what is swallowed down and be chided not, for indeed, they shall be seen as salt of the earth by those that bear them, until they reach the age of seventeen and a half and wrap their father's new car about a telephone-pole. Or until they ask for more money than their forbears posess, whichever shalt come first. Amen, amen I say unto you, suffer the little children, because thou doesn't know the half of it until thou hast raised a teenager."[/quote]

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: I hope little mmmerf (bizzle bizzle what??) will have his daddy's sense of humor!

CONGRATS!!!! There is nothing more beautiful than hearing baby's heartbeat for the first time.

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awww. I love kids. whenever i see little kids at work (the library) i wanna just hug em. i cant wait to have kids, actually i can, i cant imagine having a kid in the next 4 years much less getting married *babbles on and on about something no one else cares about*

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Last night I took half a dozen neighbourhood kids across the harbour to the LifeTeen mass in Dartmouth and during mass, I got handed a one-year-old a couple of times, just to hold and sit with... sensational. I was holding this child and thinking, man, I can't wait until I can hold MINE!

I'm not sure if that's how I'm supposed to come at this, but it should be okay.


Dave :)

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I remember seeing my little brothers before they were born. And I remember hearing their heartbeat. It was cool.

I love little babies. :D :D :D :D :D :D

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