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Am I Wrong For This?


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i was actually wondering about her BECAUSE she doesnt mention it on her website.....i dont see a problem with it although you may consider sending some emails to her or whoever reads them to address the concern......i know that omegarock identifies her as a Catholic artist as well so i dont know whats up

but i think thats cool because i totally understand the purpose of the music section but id encouarge some follow up......

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No Dust your being completley appropriate. She is not actively promoting Christs Church and having a link to Lauryn Hills site is not appropriate for an active Catholic who is promoting the Church. In my eyes the right decision. I am not sure if you have done this but i would also send an e-mail to her notifying and making contact with her on the issue.

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dUSt i think you should contact her...

and give her my phone number.......

haha j/k

Your house, your rules, your call, It's all gravy homey


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Hey......you are doing the mission of the site......It's not your fault she is choosing to not rep the church in order to gain more fans

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I don't think you were harsh or unfair at all, since you put it a way that was more "cut and dry" (she promotes anti-caths and has no catholic lyrics, you promote catholic music) and you didn't make it seem like a personal attack or anything.
So, very nicely put Dust!

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I contacted her (well, her management). Here's the reply I received:


Rachael is an Artist who happens to be a charismatic Catholic. Rachael
creates art based on her life experience. She sings lyrics that are honest,
authentic and relevant to the world around her. She certainly has a
spiritual mindset in all aspects of her life and chooses to promote Jesus
Christ at every turn; however, she does not promote any denominations, but
rather chooses to embrace all people with the love and grace per Christ's
example. A good analogy is that of a painter who happens to be a Christian.
They don't just paint crucifixes, but all sorts of subject matter regarding
their life experience.

Regarding Lauryn Hill, Rachael has been inspired by her creativity and
overall positive message. We can't speak in regards to Lauryn's words or

I respect your decision to not support Rachael from your site and wish you
God's blessings.

Kind regards,

Eric Wright
WRIGHT management [/font]

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I'm with HSmom, there ya go,

It seems that she is in support of Lauryn Hill who by her actions and words is anti-Catholic, and the message that she sends isn't a positive one towards Catholics.

So I think you did the right thing ^_^

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"who [i]happens[/i] to be" like, she [i]happens[/i] to like jello...... :huh:

Good call dUSt. Much prayers to you and your family. Thanks for taking care of this phamily as well! ^_^

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[quote name='jmjtina' date='Sep 2 2004, 03:49 PM'] "who [i]happens[/i] to be" like, she [i]happens[/i] to like jello...... :huh:
Dangit... That "happens to be" nonsense really makes me mad... as someone who CHOSE to be Catholic, I don't buy that anyone is any religion by happenstance. Can't people take responsibilty for thier choices? She chooses to be Catholic, then by golly, BE CATHOLIC!!!! It's like she accidentally made a wrong turn and landed her butt in the pew of a Catholic parish... or flipped a coin or something.... <_<

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i think you did good, i mean the fans shouldn't be the one to say shes catholic, they should say it for themselves......

you got a purpose and your abiding by it....by the email sounds like they understand and agree

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