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A Mass I Was At


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i was at VERY disturbing mass today. it was a "dorm mass" at, im sad to say, Notre Dame. i want to know if any of the following was licit or could have invalidated the mass.
1) the priest called up all the people to gather around the altar during the consacration.
2) no one, save me, knelt druing the consacration.
3) the agnus was sung while all the girls (it was a girls dorm mass) had their arms around eachother, singing it in a very "strange" way. i didnt even know it was the agnus untill it was almost over, i thought at first it was somekind of "dorm alma mater"
4) and the last thing, the only one that i truly think could have been illicit, at the consacrtation of the wine, the priest said "and when ever you do this remember me." or it coudl have been "whenever .... you remember me"
5) oh, also, he changed the masculine form of a word (i think it was "he") into the feminine "she" in the Gospel. (again in a girls dorm mass, prob. why if it was intentional.)
6) he allowed people to "add in" intentions. which i did partake in, but only to add "for all intentions in our hearts" because i knew they wouldnt, and they didnt.

there were a few other things that really got me, i almost left. but i knew that would be wrong. i was just really upset, i tried not to lose chairity in my heart, but it was hard. the people at the sign of peace made a big commotion, walking all around the altar, with no bit of respect or the Host before them. i even saw a girl with a shirt "Gay? Fine by me." gerrrrr , can you tell im upset. well, any advice you can give me as to the vilidity of the mass, or what i can do when this happens, will help.
thanks Tom

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it really makes me mad when I see things such as this. I would think by now priests would just grow up and start treating the Mass with respect. The things you have described whilst not invalidating the Mass, I think, is so yesterday and show the immaturity of the celebrant.

The document [b]Redemptionis Sacramentum [/b] lists a number of grave matters and other abuses I woukd suggest you read that if you have access to it, e.g.

[b]2. Grave Matters[/b]
[173.] Although the gravity of a matter is to be judged in accordance with the common teaching of the Church and the norms established by her, objectively to be considered among grave matters is anything that puts at risk the validity and dignity of the Most Holy Eucharist: namely, anything that contravenes what is set out above in nn. 48-52, 56, 76-77, 79, 91-92, 94, 96, 101-102, 104, 106, 109, 111, 115, 117, 126, 131-133, 138, 153 and 168. Moreover, attention should be given to the other prescriptions of the Code of Canon Law, and especially what is laid down by canons 1364, 1369, 1373, 1376, 1380, 1384, 1385, 1386, and 1398.

[b]3. Other Abuses[/b]
[174.] Furthermore, those actions that are brought about which are contrary to the other matters treated elsewhere in this Instruction or in the norms established by law are not to be considered of little account, but are to be numbered among the other abuses to be carefully avoided and corrected.

[175.] The things set forth in this Instruction obviously do not encompass all the violations against the Church and its discipline that are defined in the canons, in the liturgical laws and in other norms of the Church for the sake of the teaching of the Magisterium or sound tradition. Where something wrong has been committed, it is to be corrected according to the norm of law.

[b]4. The Diocesan Bishop[/b]
[176.] The diocesan Bishop, “since he is the principal dispenser of the mysteries of God, is to strive constantly so that Christ’s faithful entrusted to his care may grow in grace through the celebration of the sacraments, and that they may know and live the Paschal Mystery”.[285] It is his responsibility, “within the limits of his competence, to issue norms on liturgical matters by which all are bound”.[286]

[177.] “Since he must safeguard the unity of the universal Church, the Bishop is bound to promote the discipline common to the entire Church and therefore to insist upon the observance of all ecclesiastical laws. He is to be watchful lest abuses encroach upon ecclesiastical discipline, especially as regards the ministry of the Word, the celebration of the Sacraments and sacramentals, the worship of God and the veneration of the Saints”.[287]

[178.] Hence whenever a local Ordinary or the Ordinary of a religious Institute or of a Society of apostolic life receives at least a plausible notice of a delict or abuse concerning the Most Holy Eucharist, let him carefully investigate, either personally or by means of another worthy cleric, concerning the facts and the circumstances as well as the imputability.

I have walked out on Masses before, it was just lucky I was not concelebrating at the time!!!!!!!!

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I found it was best to avoid mass at a Girls dorm alltogether at Notre Dame. Once I wast witness to a "concelebration" by a nun at mass. Of course, I wrote letters of complaint about these things to Campus Ministry, but they never stopped.

If you want a good, reverent, traditional mass at Notre Dame I recommend Zahm hall at 10:30 on weeknights. The Children of Mary are usually at that mass and they pray the rosary at 10:00 right before mass. I really encourage you to attend it.

Also, the Basilica and the Crypt have good reverent masses, but of course they are during the middle of the day. Dillon Hall has a good mass too, the best is Milkshake mass on Thursdays (don't worry, the milkshakes are served AFTER the mass in Fr. Doyle's room). Alumni Hall also has a traditional chapel, so it's probably fine for daily mass as well, though I didn't really attend it much except on Saturday mornings before the football games.

Masses at the girls dorms are rarely licit and sometimes are questionably valid. Be very careful. The only exception is the dorm that Fr. Green is in. I'm not sure where he is, but he is a good priest and does a great mass. I think its one of the West Quad dorms.

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