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Hello, I Do Rep The Church


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One True Jesus, the right one, the one who told Peter the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against the Church, you can find that in [b]Matthew 16:18[/b]

Theres only one Jesus, one TRUE JESUS, Thats the Jesus who is alive forever more, the one who spilt His Preious Blood on the Cross, died, rose again on the Third Day, ascended on High 40 days after he rose, The One True Jesus that is coming Back someday with all the POWER and GLORY.

Only one, Only ONE!

There are no Labels in Heaven, No Catholics, No Protestants, None of that, theres just those who were saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, the Second member of the Holy Trinity, a.k.a IS GOD. It is possible to Respresent Christ and not be apart of the Catholic Church I believe, but if you go into details and incorperating idealogy and go off saying [color=gray]"Jesus is Black or something"[/color], [b]"you sadly Mistaken"[/b], [b]Theres ONLY ONE JESUS,[/b] One, If they dont accept the Jesus of the Bible then they are worshipping a false messiah. Theres One Jesus, and Hes the Jesus who is alive FOREVERMORE the One and Only from the Living Word of God, The Bible.

Edited by White Knight
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to FULLY rep the COMPLETE CHRIST, you gotta rep the Church

pplz like mulls rep part of Christ but since they don't rep his Church or His Mom and all that dope teaching He left the Holy Spirit to lead us into, they ain't fully representin the complete Christ.

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So your saying you have to acknowolege Mary and Jesus to represent Just Jesus?

I thought you just have to acknowolege Jesus as the Son of God, who lived a Sinless life, who died on the cross for our sins, the one who rose again on the third and glorious day, the one that also ascended on high to sit at the Right Hand of God the Father, and the one who is coming back?

I do realize you need to believe in the Virgin birth thats an obvious, but to have Mary mother of Jesus involved in prayer isn't neccessary, just to acknowolege The One, The Only, [b]Jesus Christ, The Son of God, The Second Member of the Holy Trinity.[/b]

I'm not attacking or anything, but I just dont see the need to have Mary in a prayer, when really your only suspost to be praying to the Holy Trinity the One God.

I love Mary for what she bore on this earth 2000 years ago, but I dont pray to her.
I pray to God, directly.

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Without totally hijacking this thread....White Knight, I encourage you to go [url="http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=5421&view=findpost&p=85313"]Here[/url] read, and read some more!!! and make a new thread in the debate table about what you think. I won't totally hijack this thread even though I posted like 100000 words about the Mother of God! :cyclops:

I can see mulls, "you turned my thread into a marian thread?!!!" :blink:

It would be a great discussion! ^_^

Just think, the Pope is visiting Lourdes, where the Blessed Mother appeared, to pray to her! There is a reason! :D

Edited by jmjtina
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[quote name='White Knight' date='Sep 1 2004, 08:49 PM'] So your saying you have to acknowolege Mary and Jesus to represent Just Jesus?

I thought you just have to acknowolege Jesus as the Son of God, who lived a Sinless life, who died on the cross for our sins, the one who rose again on the third and glorious day, the one that also ascended on high to sit at the Right Hand of God the Father, and the one who is coming back?

I do realize you need to believe in the Virgin birth thats an obvious, but to have Mary mother of Jesus involved in prayer isn't neccessary, just to acknowolege The One, The Only, [b]Jesus Christ, The Son of God, The Second Member of the Holy Trinity.[/b]

I'm not attacking or anything, but I just dont see the need to have Mary in a prayer, when really your only suspost to be praying to the Holy Trinity the One God.

I love Mary for what she bore on this earth 2000 years ago, but I dont pray to her.
I pray to God, directly. [/quote]
In removing the role of the saints and Mary to intercede for us, you are rejecting their role they for us Christians. They are with God, and when they ask God, surely, he'd consider it more, especially from his devout Mother.

THe Church is the body of Christ... there is no salvation outside Christ. The 2 are inseprable.

Please consider this. You reject protestantism, and trade it for some shabby form of rejection of the Church. Accept it 100%, embrace it. You know it's the only 100% deposit of Truth, I can tell by your posts, so why not walk hand in hand with Christ?

God bless,


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I will Research is what I want.... so I can understand the Catholic Faith and teachings, but I dont really have all the proof I need yet, and deep prayer and thought need to be put into this. before I can even think about coming over.

Edited by White Knight
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[quote name='jasJis' date='Aug 30 2004, 11:25 PM']

stuff [/quote]
That's not very nice and not really true.  It IS the same Christ, but mulls (as do all non-Catholic Christians) doesn't share the fullness of understanding Christ that the Catholic Church does.[/quote]

:blink: ... Yeah I know... I cant be stuffed answering this.

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i might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure praying to Mary is not required by the Church, only *highly* recommended. And I agree with WhiteKnight... I don't go through Mary either.

Edited by JESOd
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well, Mary is your mom. YOUR SPIRITUAL MOTHER. Jesus wants you to have her as your spiritual mother. He wanted it so much that while He was suffering on the Cross He took some of His last moments of earthly life through great struggling to give her to you and you to her. [i]The Holy Gospel According to Saint John, Chapter 19, Verses 26 and 27[/i]

through her the Lord is magnified. [i]The Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke, Chapter 1, Verse 46[/i] through her heart are the thoughts of many revealed. [i]The Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke, Chapter 2, Verse 35[/i]

Christ came into the world through her, and Christ continues to choose to go through her to get to you because of her beauty and splendor above all created things. It is not a matter of whether or not you choose to go to Him through her, but rather, He chooses to come to you through her.

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[quote]"I don't rep the Catholic Church but I do rep Christ"[/quote]

How can you truly rep Christ if you don't rep the Church He founded?

The Catholic Church.

God Bless

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There is only one Christ. However, various people have left the authority of the Church and have created there own version of Christ. I'm sure this is what Morph is referring to.

For instance, John Kerry has his own version of Christ and Catholicism.
Also, Luther did as well. Dan Brown definatly has his own version of Christ.

Still, the Church holds (and a ways will) the fullness of Truth.

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