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Wayne Dyer


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Does anyone know anything about this fellow, Wayne Dyer? Father mentioned in
his homily today that he is listening to his tapes, and actually likes the stuff
in them. After Mass we were talking about it when another choir member joined
in, she likes doing the "emptying meditation" stuff he advocates. They were
talking about comparing ourselves to "levels of vibration" etc. I was really
feeling weird about it. I mentioned I felt it was way too "New Agey" and the
response I got was oh no, it is only like "centering prayer". Yikes. I got the
idea the choir member was the one who gave our priest the tapes, and she has
another of his books to lend him. I told Father some of the stuff seemed plain
common sense, but I reserved comment on most of what was talked about until I
could check with you folks. Need some guidance here

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You think this may be him cmom?


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here's a two part article by catholicexchange on wanye dyer and his beliefs:

--Spiritual Communication: Are There Any Do's and Don'ts?--[url="http://www.catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?art_id=24150"][b]Part One[/b][/url] and [url="http://www.catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?art_id=24149"][b]Part Two[/b][/url]

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