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I'm In A Terrible Mood.


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There was a priest who would give a homily. He would always end his homilies with "If you do not take the narrow path to Jesus then there will be wailing a grinding of teeth."

After everytime he'd say that an old lady in the back would laugh. Finally the priest got tired of it and after the lady laughed went back there and asked what she was laughing at. She opened her mouth to a wide smile and said as she revealed her toothless smile, "You say that there will be wailing and grinding of teeth, but I have none to grind!"

So the next Mass the priest said the same thing, "If you do not follow the narrow path to Jesus, there will be wailing a grinding of teeth. And for those of you who do not have teeth, God will provide!"

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Guest T-Bone
:drunk: :drunk: A couple of bar jokes :drunk: :drunk:

A priest, a lawyer, and a rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"

A guy walks into a bar, his girlfriend ducks.
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Ash Wednesday

I love dumb jokes.

Like, this one, I hear it and inexplicably I can't stop laughing because of its simple stupidity:

Q. What's brown and sticky?

A. A stick!

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

What's invisable and smells like carrots?

Bunny fluffy air extractions! :fluffy air extraction:

What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?

"Where's my tractor?"

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

What do you get when you play a Country music song backwards?

You get your dog back, you get your wife back, you get your truck back, ...

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Guest T-Bone

When geese migrate, the travel in the V-formation. This allows for efficency, as the goose in the front acts as a wind-breaker, making turbulance, so the geese behind have an easier job.

One leg of the V is usually longer than the other one, and this has mystified scientists for ages. One very intelligent person has come up with a theroy that has yet to be disproved. He theorizes that the reason one side of the V is longer than the other is:

are you ready?

There's more geese in it.
:rolling: :sweat: :rolling: :sweat:

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Why do elephant paint their toenails red?

(I don't know)

So they can hide in Cherry trees.

(Yeah right)

Have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree?


It must work.


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[quote name='T-Bone' date='Aug 30 2004, 01:16 PM']
There's more geese in it.
Don't tell this joke to Theoketos...

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