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He had never been on a quest before without his trusty squire Sebastian who lived in the nearby trading port of Manak.

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However the Knight told the dragon that there was a bigger knight who liked bigger eggplants right behind him so he continued on the road to Manak to reach Sebastian.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

On his squanderings just trying to find Manak with out a compass, which took him little over five and a half months, he fell numerous times and got boo-boos, and everytime he would scream, "...

EDIT: My horriable spelling

Edited by FutureNunJMJ
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Jilly Jogglies ...and finally he reached the town of Manak and found his squire sebastian preaching in the town square about...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Banana Pudding Bombs and how they turn hair yellow and mushy and how they are never to be used against buffalo, but mostly he preached about how cool his armor makes him look, and everytime he started, he started just like this: ...

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And he certainly had the knight's attention! In fact, the knight was downright shaken, for it was not long ago that he had seen a dancing banana in the distance. He heard him singing some outlandish song about peanut butter... and jelly....

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Sebastian then stepped down from his soap box and seeing his friend and knight so terriably shaken by the reoccuring nightmares just mentioned, waved his hand and yelled, "...

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"I know of your mission o Great knight and let us continue our journey! to the mythical land of Bolok" They then left the town on the road towards Bolok and traveleed for two days worth a journey and all of a sudden...

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