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Matthew 6:24: God & Money


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[b][font="Times"]Caelum defendet militem, Caelum exercet militem, Caelum docet militem. Amen. Amen.[/font][/b]

[color=gray][font="Times"][b]Matthew 6:24: God & Money[/b][/color][/font]
[b]Commentary: Matt 6:24.[/b]


[b]Bible Translation:[/b]

[url="http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible"]USCCB: New American Bible[/url]

[b]Note:[/b] All sources are given, in proper [i]bibliographic setting[/i].


[b]The Book of Matthew: 6:24[/b]

[b]24[/b] "No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.



The main point of this teaching of Christ, is you can have only one master, and must not have any other, for this will divide you, divide your heart and your loyalty. The Master is God. The other master is revealed in the last part of this verse by the Aramaic word '[i]mammon[/i].' This semitic word translates as; 'money' or 'wealth.'
[i]You cannot serve God and mammon:[/i] Literally serve God and not wealth, which in a general sense is serving yourself and your wants, and not the Divine law, God's Will.

This verse of scripture is also a commentary by Matthew on [b]Deuteronomy 6:5[/b]; [b]5[/b] [i]Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength[/i].


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I always take this to heart.

However, I'm just wondering: What do you all define as 'rich?' I mean, I'd say that we are all very wealthy in some sense, because we all have the wealth to be connected to the internet. And we have so much more than we need to survive comfortably.

Edited by XIX
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[quote name='StColette' date='Sep 1 2004, 03:17 AM'] Money can be such an evil thing !! [/quote]
Money, in and of itself, is neither good nor evil. Money is useful. Without it, I wouldn't have a computer, or electricity, or food, etc. It is not money that is evil, but rather the [i]love of[/i] money.

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That was my meaning even though my sentence did not technically clarify that. lol let's just say my brain isn't functioning to its max capacity at 1 AM hehe ^_^ But you're right without money we couldn't have a computer, electricity, etc. It is when money turns in to the only means in which we find satisfaction that it becomes some that can cause us to become materialistic and greedy.

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I figured you meant that, but I thought it was important to point out. There are people who believe that it is Catholic teaching that people should not be rich...it all ties into liberation theology.

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Well, I figure that if you have the money, one of the best things to do with it is to spend a bunch of it on a really nice rosary. ;)

BTW, I suggest that everybody read through to the end of chapter 6 in Matt. I love Matt 6:25-31, and it ties in very nicely with 6:24.

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[quote name='XIX' date='Sep 1 2004, 10:48 PM'] Well, I figure that if you have the money, one of the best things to do with it is to spend a bunch of it on a really nice rosary.  ;0[/quote]
Yeah and when you use to get the Passion DVD. Money can be good for something.

Edited by goldenchild17
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[quote name='XIX' date='Sep 2 2004, 04:26 AM'] I always take this to heart.

However, I'm just wondering: What do you all define as 'rich?' I mean, I'd say that we are all very wealthy in some sense, because we all have the wealth to be connected to the internet. And we have so much more than we need to survive comfortably. [/quote]
Mammon refers to money and wealth through money.

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