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Why Doesn't The Church.......

White Knight

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White Knight

Why doesn't the Church take a side on a sciencfic side. On the "Creation vs. Evolution" issue, I mean Evolution was acually disproven in the 20s, but was allowed to do futher research to back up their evidence...... Yet Evolution was disproven again in the 80's. Evolution is a Dying Theory which was made up to go against the Church Teachings of Our Existance.

40% of all Scientists believe theres some sort of Creator, and that Evolution could not have happened at all reguardless of the Evidence, because the so called Evidence Evolutionists bring up (DisAcknowoleges a Creator in any way shape or form); saying we just came by chance. 40% of all Scientists in the World believe that, and its slowly but surely rising. The 60% of Sciences Ethier waver or Support the Evolution theory, but those numbers are dropping now, do to lack of Evidence on their side, Do to the increase of evidence on the Creation's point of view, re-researched information is more aligned with the acual truth that also pushes Scientists away from the acknowolegement of "Evolution is Fact" point of view.

So if the majority of the world, who think that Evolution's So called Evidence is false, Why doesn't the Church, stand more of a stand to support Evolution as opposed to not taking any sides at all on it? I'm not accusing the Church of being afriad or anything, I'm just wondering why they dont take a side.

When what they teach is actually supported, Historically, Bibically, Medically, Sciencfically, correct? If Scientists in the world are divided so almost evenly then why not take a side, the Majority of the worlds popluation believes in some form of Supernatural creation of the Earth and the Universe.

Why question is, why doesn't the Church take a side on this issue, when Creation is by far in the lead now as "proven fact"?

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Aaron this topic was talked about last month in the Apologetics forum here is the link [url="http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=16235&st=0entry274502"]http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showt...=0entry274502[/url]

I believe Apotheoun provided the Church's stance on Evolution.

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It is smarter to not quesstion the Church, since she is led by the Holy Spirit in these things. The Church, in her Holy authority, knows well not to define everything. Why? BEcause, if the Church were to teach that evolution is incorrect, many, many people would leave the faith. Same with what I said in the tatoo thread. It need not be said to be understand. IT is pretty clear evolution isn't necessarily right, but many people belive it is true.

God bless,


P.S. The Church doesn't take sides on anything except Moral and Faith issues.

Edited by MichaelFilo
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Also it is of little signifigance to the Church...the Church is not going to get into pointless dichotomies there is much more important things to do. As well the Church has been often proved wrong and looks awful often when taking sides in scientific debates ask Galieo. The Mother Church's role is not to wade through science but to use the inspiration of the holy spirit for the advancement of Salvation for mankind. I am just saying that it Jesus Christ's intedned role for the Church is not scientific debates. Sure it can weigh in and give opinnons and such and even make certain definite stametns such as Evolution would be false if it removed the Creator. But the Church needs not to make a statement on whether or not Evolution is true as Evolution poses little threat to the salvation of souls as seen by the Mother Church.

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