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Homeschoolers Fight Regulations (see Here.)

White Knight

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Homeschoolers are not just attacked because of their spirituality...


These are the kind of things that make me hate myself.

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I am confused can you clarify your statement
"These are the kind of things that make me hate myself."

Why do you hate yourself?

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[quote name='nikkan_hanil' date='Aug 27 2004, 10:38 PM'] Homeschoolers are not just attacked because of their spirituality...


These are the kind of things that make me hate myself. [/quote]
I have to find the study, but there was a research done that homeschoolers tend to socialize better with all age groups compared to those in public schools.

It's the typical stereotypes that people tend to cling to.

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In addition, how is the socialization of the public school system?

When I went there this is how I socialized:
Every time I opened my mouth to say something, it would come out wrong. I got laughed at and teased. Ostrasized and ignored. What would this tell a grade schooler after repeated tries? "Shut up." "No one likes you." "If you don't talk you won't get made fun of."

In homeschooling, my social skills actually developed and I was able to step out of my skin and actually talk to people. In college I got even better.

People like to use the socialization thing against homeschooling but fail to see the socialization problem within the public and even private school settings. Have you ever heard a 7th grade or even 5th grade conversation? I have. In some cases, it is filled with swear words and "potty talk". There is bullying, teasing, name calling. In my situation at school, guess what the teacher said to ME and not the kids teasing me. "Sticks and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." What a lie!! Words do hurt, longer and harder than any broken bones because it goes straight to the heart and is never forgotten. Why would any parent want to subject their child to THAT "socialization."

In any case, every child is different. What I have seen in my homeschooling group and with other homeschooled kids outside my homeschooling group, we're all pretty social. Kids play with each other within the group even if there are new people who joined.

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