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Homeschoolers Fight Regulations (see Here.)

White Knight

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White Knight

Hey for all the Homeschoolers on the Phatmass forums read this link. If your interested. Non Homeschoolers can read this too obviously.

[color=green][b]Acually really this is for everyone.[/b][/color]

[b][url="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,130295,00.html"]Homeschoolers Fight Regulations[/url][/b]

Its pretty sad now that there going after homeschoolers.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Aug 27 2004, 12:49 PM'] Hey for all the Homeschoolers on the Phatmass forums read this link. If your interested. Non Homeschoolers can read this too obviously.

[color=green][b]Acually really this is for everyone.[/b][/color]

[b][url="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,130295,00.html"]Homeschoolers Fight Regulations[/url][/b]

Its pretty sad now that there going after homeschoolers. [/quote]
that is terrible!! even tho i'm not a homeschool-ee or homeschool-er, it is ridiculous that the government should have rights of "approval" over religious curriculum. how is that even possible? there are no standards within the public school system to judge them by! :angry:

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I don't think they should be able to judge the religious curriculum, but I think the Department of Education has [i]some [/i]authority to judge the other curriculum---just to make sure they are actually being taught.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 27 2004, 03:07 PM'] Next they will be checking our grocery lists to make sure that we are feeding them properly... [/quote]
I'm not advocating anything invasive, just some way to regulate the "unschoolers" who give homschoolers a bad name...

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[quote name='p0lar_bear' date='Aug 27 2004, 01:11 PM'] I'm not advocating anything invasive, just some way to regulate the "unschoolers" who give homschoolers a bad name... [/quote]
I do not agree with that regulation baloney. I was homeschooled since 6th grade. I LEARNED MORE being homeschooled than going to a public school. So, why would people want a public school overseeing thier schooling if their child has not learned in it? (in my case).

And they will over step their boundaries. They will. They will use the excuse that, "well, we've had some cases that families were not educating their children properly." Then it will go to "Why aren't you sending your kids to school? Are you hiding something? Are you beating your kids? Are you not feeding them? Why aren't you happy with the public school?"

I'll agree. Homeschooling is not for everyone. Just like public schooling is not for everyone and private schooling is not for everyone.

Don't believe me? [url="http://www.hslda.org/Default.asp?bhcp=1"]Check this out.[/url] Tour the site and read the legal stories.

Maybe I'm exaggerating but stuff is out there to stop homeschooling. And every little inch can lead to a mile.

God Bless,

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While most homeschoolers do a fine job, not all do. I have met a 19-year-old who probably couldn't read above a second grade level or do much past basic math. He had been "homeschooled," but his mother basically just let them do what ever. The other kids weren't much better. They weren't required by their parents to actually do anything, so unless they were self-motivated (which they weren't), they didn't learn anything. There has to be some sort of regulation to prevent this sort of thing.

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I am homeschooled, been so all my life (entering my Senior year).

I agree that the government should have some regulations so they can know if the students are learning (such as submitting some samples of daily work and tests) The public schools see the homeschooling community as a threat, one reason can be because the average homeschooling student out performs an average public schooler (thus making the public education system look terrible).

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White Knight

Well its obviously true dude, because Homeschoolers can learn more and more about anything , on their timing, not the schools, but the Public schoolers are under such a Baist System, its almost hard to learn anything that is basically real. I think the onyl real facts they teach in public schools now are "Reading and Math" the Rest is thrown together Baist, Torn apart, etc etc.

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[quote name='p0lar_bear' date='Aug 27 2004, 01:11 PM'] I'm not advocating anything invasive, just some way to regulate the "unschoolers" who give homschoolers a bad name... [/quote]
The article seems to be implying something very invasive-- religious education. The government doesn't oversee the religious instruction of other students, why homeschoolers? It leaves the door open for religious parents to be considered unfit-- thus my comment about the food. I don't disagree that [b]moderate[/b] acedemic oversight is fair.

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I'm currently working for a homeschool, and (despite the school's propaganda) there a few cases where the kids do not appear to be learning anything. Others are receiving a very good education. Homeschooling is only worth what you put into it!

I believe homeschooling should be legal and fairly free from gov't regulations though. Achievement tests, use of acredited homeschool programs (such as the one I work for), and the like can determine whether or not children are actually receiving an education.

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[quote name='p0lar_bear' date='Aug 27 2004, 02:24 PM'] While most homeschoolers do a fine job, not all do. I have met a 19-year-old who probably couldn't read above a second grade level or do much past basic math. He had been "homeschooled," but his mother basically just let them do what ever. The other kids weren't much better. They weren't required by their parents to actually do anything, so unless they were self-motivated (which they weren't), they didn't learn anything. There has to be some sort of regulation to prevent this sort of thing. [/quote]
Homeschooling is not for everyone. However, the family you speak of is a rare case.

It is the roles of parents to procreate, raise and educate their children. What better way then to homeschool. Homeschooling is sometimes very trying and hard. Especially when your kids are being schooled at all different levels. If a parent has the want power to homeschool their children and go through all the trouble of finding a program or actually making their own program, don't you think that they will do what ever they can to help the child succeed?

I have more to say but can't say it right now. I'll say more later.

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Also, who is there to regulate the public schools? There are some wacky teachers out there. I know it. I've been through it. Teachers who play favorite and help only certain people out. Let me get F's without helping me understand the stuff. Who is to regulate those? The same superintendent who will "regulate" homeschoolers? This doesn't seem logical to me. If the average homeschooler does better than the average public school person then why do people need to regulate it?

Homeschooling is what you put into it. I personally would not the state to regulate homeschooling. Why? Because I believe that it will get into to much interference.

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Did the state say it wouldn't approve the Religious Classes? I went to private school my entire life and the state had to OK what we learned in math, science, English, history, and foriegn languages, but they stayed out of the religious education. It was our bisness and they knew it, so they let us do whatever. I think that the state has to do that to ensure an education is being provided to kids. Also, I wonder what this law suit will do for their kids, I mean this could be more harmful for the family than helpful, espically if they lose the case.

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