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Why Would A Anti-catholic Play Catholic On Pm?


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Some anti-Catholics might want to act Catholic on a Catholic board because they can get on the "inside" to draw people away from the Church with "crisis of faith" posts and personal messages. Especially when one anti-Catholic is already known on a board as an anti-Catholic, he might enlist a anti-Catholic friend of his to pose as a Catholic on the board... and act like they don't know each other (in the beginning). Then the false Catholic will "become" non-Catholic on the board even to the point of obvious anti-Catholicism.

See, there are many anti-Catholics out there like ian paisley who lie about the Catholic Faith. They appear to believe that the end justifies the means.

The false Catholic can only be known after time. The only way to know if the person was ever really Catholic is to review many of the posts from the beginning.

Sure fire signs are saying that the Church is guilty of heresy, they defend some points that are basic, then they turn around and attack with blatently anti-Catholic propaganda...

Something that would be overwhelming evidence is to find that the known anti-Catholic and the false Catholic were on the same message board together and the known anti-Catholic was first on the Catholic board.

The false Catholic will use "crisis of faith" as attacks. It's understandable that someone might actually have a crisis of faith, but it must be taken into account with everything else posted by this person.

When things don't add up... one can have a pretty good certainty that the person was never Catholic and was/is indeed a false Catholic trying to find others that do not know much about the faith to get them out of the Church. They resort to lies and insults and should be brought into the light.

Bringing them into the light is the most charitable thing to do because they can learn from the errors of their ways. If they truly love Christ, they will learn... or seeds will be planted. They need to learn that there is no such thing as a white lie and that the end does not justify the means.

Charity demands correction. Charity can only flourish in Truth. Sometimes the truth hurts, but through pain we grow.

Truth is not something that always feels good. If the truth is kept from being told, then it is not charity that is doing it.

I for one am tired of the fakeness of the "I'm ok, you're ok, we're all ok" - "everyone has their beliefs" mentality.

There is One Truth. Some people's beliefs are simply wrong. A debate table is just for that DEBATE. We learn through debate. People grow through debate.

SOMETIMES debates are not soft and frilly. Sometimes that are cold and hard like iron. The truth is solid... it can be hot iron, it can be cold iron.... but it remains... for it is Truth.

Just because something is not soft and frilly does NOT make it uncharitable.

God Bless.

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I call for a Phatmass inquisition... ;)

As the Popes in the past have done and stated (paraphrase):

"Let the Jews be Jews, muslims be muslims, etc... and the Catholics be Catholic. No protestant acting like a Catholic to spread heresy"

God Bless,

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Noel's angel

yeah, we all should be true to ourselves and our faiths, no one minds if ur not a catholic, just dont pretend u are

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Im not presenting myself falsely and if anyone thinks I never was a Catholic I have posts from 1999-2001, you can still access on Catholic Community Forums under the same name when I was back in Catholic Church for short time before being saved.

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Ironmonk, I was a Roman Catholic at one point - one who really didn't understand the teachings of the Roman Church or why she teaches the things she does, especially on the issue of Muslims and their faith (That part of the CCC is a damnable heresy, by the way, in light of John 14:6)

I came to see the light of the Word of God, though. Your post about asking if I was ever a Romanist was uncharitable and (rightly) closed.

People like you, who only wish to insult, point the finger, and ostracise, and are full of self-righteous condemnation, are only driving me further away from the Roman Church. I haven't studied the Reformed faith at the moment enough to take you up on your 'challenge', since I have more important things to worry about like finding a job, etc...but I can point you in the right direction:

The differences betwen the Council of Trent (Semi-Pelagianism), the Council of Orange (Sola Gratia), and St. Augustine's anti-Pelagian writings (Sola Gratia)....

Trent represented a formal shift back to semi-Pelagianism.

Edited by ICTHUS
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[quote name='ICTHUS' date='Aug 26 2004, 10:06 PM'] Ironmonk, I was a Romanist at one point - one who really didn't understand the teachings of the Roman Church or why she teaches the things she does, especially on the issue of Muslims and their faith (That part of the CCC is a damnable heresy, by the way, in light of John 14:6)

I came to see the light of the Word of God, though. Your post about asking if I was ever a Romanist was uncharitable and (rightly) closed.

People like you, who only wish to insult, point the finger, and ostracise, and are full of self-righteous condemnation, are only driving me further away from the Roman Church. I haven't studied the Reformed faith at the moment enough to take you up on your 'challenge', since I have more important things to worry about like finding a job, etc...but I can point you in the right direction:

The differences betwen the Council of Trent (Semi-Pelagianism), the Council of Orange (Sola Gratia), and St. Augustine's anti-Pelagian writings (Sola Gratia)....

Trent represented a formal shift back to semi-Pelagianism. [/quote]
Nothing self rightous, you might want to learn the meaning.

Christ built One Faith... how can man reform what Christ built?

You still do not understand the Church teachings. The challenge has NOTHING to do with the many non-Catholic teachings, it has to do with the Catholic teaching.

No insult was meant or given... I call them the way I see them, and have asked you multiple times to clarify yourself and show us how the Church is wrong... which you have failed to do.

You say you left the Church because you didn't understand the teachings for a faith that you don't understand now?

What leave something that you don't understand for something you don't understand? You are still in the same boat.

Maybe if you spent more time studying instead of debating then you would have learned and understood.

I still do not believe you were ever Catholic.

You quote one verse to call something in the Catechism heresy, and ignore all the other verses that prove what you want to believe wrong.... that's a protestant mentality, not a Catholic one.

You "left" the Church that you can't prove wrong, when all the evidence points to the Church.

Your rational is illogical and I think there is something more than what you are posting.... I think you were never Catholic, or you've got some other issue you don't want to go over.

Like I posted, what you claimed here, and other things, just don't add up.

No, it's not people like me that keep you from the Church, it's people like me that you use as an excuse to justify heresy. I have not insulted - unless you say calling you on a lie is an insult. You are wrong about the Councils, you spread lies about the Faith.

End of story.

You have the opportunity to change for Christ, but you are not changing for Christ, you are running from Him, and the ones that He sent.

God Bless,

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If you think Ironmonk is being self-righteous, then don't respond in kind. Being called a Romanist doesn't make me all warm and fuzzy about Calvinism.

Edited by thedude
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Ironmonk has a point here. It is possible he NEVER was Catholic. I like how Ironmonk still keeps an open mind though. However, Ironmonk, in all due defence of Icthus, he had posted a link to a certain forum, where he attempted to defend the faith.

Icthus, you know us Romanists have the fullness of Truth, and we keep it from no one. You realize this every time you attack the Church, why not instead, realize that you are shooting at the impenatrable, and instead join the Truth. We've defended the faith more than ample enough times to show you this.

God bless,


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