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Words Of Absolution


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i have heard priests use slightly diffrent words of absolution in my many confessions. some say "...and I absolve you from all your sins...." some say "....because of all this, throught the ministy of the church, may God grant you..." or "almight God, Father of all mercies..." etc. just little additions that some use and others done. the words as i thought they were are "God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of your Son you have reconciled the world to your self and sent the Holy Spirit amungst us for the forgivness of sins. through the ministry of the Church may God grant yu pardon and peace, and i absolve you of your sin(s) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen." so where do the add on's come from? do they invallidate it? are they supossed to be there? thanks.

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The essential words are: " I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

However I would think it is gross arrogance on the part of a priest to change the preamble to the essential words with words of his own.

The form of absolution indicates that the reconciliation of the penitent comes from the mercy of the Father; it shows the connection between the reconciliation of the sinner and the paschal mystery of Christ; it stresses the role of the Holy Spirit in the forgiveness of sins; finally, it underlines the ecclesial aspect of the sacrament because reconciliation with God is asked for and given through the ministry of the Church.

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