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Theology Training Starts


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I have officially started my theology training at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS. I am so stoked...St. Augustine...Pray for Us.

Pax Vobiscum...


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I am rockin' away in Intro to Theo. and in Logic (here is some of my Logic homework...let me know if it sounds right.)...

(Describing the difference between a conventional sign and a conventional sign by intent.)

A purely conventional sign is no different than a natural sign except it is based upon human institution. A purely conventional sign is universal to nature, whereas a conventional sign by custom, still based upon human institutions, is not universal. It is derived from a specific custom or nationality.

Ut Omnibus Glorificetur Deus.

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I think that the first sentence is a lil screwy...no different...except.

To sound better for Dr. Rioux(I assume that you have him), I would say the specific difference between the two types of signs is that one is based upon...

Who do you have for intro the Theology?

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I have Mr. Rzhia for theology, Jannie's brother...Also, I have Dr. Maceroski (sp?) for Theology.

I am very excited...Much prayers James.

Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus.

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Benedictine College is an excellent college if I say so myself. I graduated from there in the early seventies. In fact my first three years there it was known as St. Benedicts College. My last year was when the name change took place and it became a co-ed college. Before that it was an all men's college hooked up the the Mount St. Scholastica women's college across town. :D

I grew up around Atchison and now reside just outside Kansas City.

Prayers to you and your studies :)

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PhatCatholic...It is a phenominal school...Rock solid Theology and Philosophy. It is one of the few trully "Catholic College's" left in the US...

Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus.


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Im inquiring about some official theology training to. Its not a degree or anything, but you get certificates. Cert I in dadada, and Cert II in dadada and it comes up to a diploma at the end of 4 semisters.

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i'm glad you're having a good time andy. wish i had a chance to take all those great classes! learn a lot!
Mary, Star of the the Prairie, pray for us!

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wow, you'll get to be a PhatMass Church Scholar!!!

haha, nevermind a theology degree, PhatMass is more important! :lol:

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