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Which Country Reps Christ The Best?


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Just pondering this...which country, as a whole, do you think best represents Christ?

I've heard that America has over 90% of the world's Christian resources (churches, seminaries, schools, bibles, literature, etc), and I think we're still the biggest "sending" country as far as missionaries are concerned.

But I wonder where we may rank on this scale due to the declination of Christian morals and the rise of liberal attitudes across the board, and where other countries may fit in.

Thoughts please...

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Thy Geekdom Come

The Vatican City

If you meant a country other than the Vatican City, then I would say that the Christians of Sudan are perhaps the strongest, but that doesn't really answer the question because Sudan is Muslim-run.


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Philipians. Most of the holiest people you'll ever meet do NOT live in predominantly Catholic countries.

God bless,


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Ireland is pretty strong (92% Catholic, schools organized by parish, etc.), but I fear the liberalization of Europe may someday engulf it.

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Overall, hmm, it cannot be a muslim country then.

You base your choice on America because of the numbers of people who are sent out as missionaries, but you forget, we are the most blessed. As far as the Catholic Church goes (you aren't Catholic, are you?), most missionaries are not American. I mean as far as people per a country goes (ie, America is X times bigger than a country, so naturally, it should send out X more missionaries). I'd say Ireland.

God bless,


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