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Fab, you are a cool guy. Michael should've worded his statements better, and I don't believe it was out of hate.

Protestantism is hard, Catholicism is hard. It's like comparing apples with oranges.

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this post makes me angry, sick and sad at the same time......

i am a very scroupolous person and just until recently have been very weak my faith about God's undying love for me and how there is nothing that will separate me from the love of God. this is also because i suffer greatly with a mental illness that makes me feel guilty and like i am always in the wrong. recenty i have made huge strides in this area and have begun to see how infinitely loving and patient God is in his mercy. i know there is ntohing that can separate me from Gods love. you guys in this post have hindered me in this area with your judging, condemning and by showing such a lack of love and charity for eachother throughout this post. Christ didnt stand for this. i agree with fab. its about building Gods kingdom and not knocking eachother down by condeming them to hell! this is division which is the devils work. this isnt of the God i have known and come to love. i am finished posting here as well. there isnt anything good i can get from here. all i see is condemning and judging. its about building Gods kingdom not dividing it!

Edited by numbers
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Thank you fab for your prayers. Thats first and foremost.

Back to where we were. The sacraments were left behind by Christ, and are a sign of the Spirit's work within the Church. In the Eucharist, Christ becomes physically tangiable, and is before us in the Real Presence. In the sacrament of confession, we sit before a priest, acting a representitive of God. It is God who forgives us our sins. In baptism we have the water poured over our heads, and are baptised in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Ghost is Englisth (older) for Spirit (source: Romeo and Juliet, references to the priest as a ghostly (spiritual) father.)). At the point of our baptism the spirit enters us as we grow in God's love.

The "tools" have been badly mis-named. Tools are things we have to do God's work and grow in Faith, such as prayers, doing good, etc. The Sacraments are just visable sign of God doing work in His Church, not mere tools. Again I say it, the Sacraments aren't tools, but instead are visable signs of God working in His Church.

Now, about me saying what I know of Protestantism, and Protestants and their struggles. This doesn't come from some made up mindset that I am somehow above Protestants, or other Catholics are. However, I'd be denying my Faith if I said that in following the fullness of Truth, one can't get closer to God than someone who doesn't acknowledge it(exemption, invincible ignorance).

Between Protestantism and Catholicism the temptation and struggle for good is relativly equal (as is in the entirety of all religions and the world) (ie. if 1 was the value of the highest amount of temptation we can handle to reject with our free will then temtpation will never be > 1). However, in the actuality of the matter, between Catholicism and Protestantism, since we recognize the connection between sanctification and justification, and have more of the Truth (I am sorry if this makes me seem self-rightous, but if you feel that I am wrong for pointing out that the Catholic Church doesn't hold the fullness of Faith, then feel free to show me, until then, the claim has been defended for 2000 years successfully, and so I will refer to it regularly) we will be tempted even more by the devil, since he despises those who know Truth, and even more those who know it completely (his name is the Father of Lies). Basically, using the number example, we have a capacity of being tempted of about 100, and say Protestants have about 90, neither can be tempted more than their limit, but we still have a greater capacity.

Please realize, I do recognize many times Protestants are much more faithful than Catholics, and are much closer to God and have a very vibrant relationship with Him. However, because of Protestant beliefs, they are limited in all these things, while a Catholic following the Faith in a faithful and orthodox fashion, isn't.

God bless,


PS. I have no intention of anyone leaving the phorums.

PSS. Constant references to "God's kingdom" should be addressed, since you are no longer a Catholic, you may not remember what a Catholic beliefs is the Kingdom.

[quote]So, too, as men realized that this kingdom stood for a certain tone of mind, and saw that this peculiar spirit was enshrined in the Church, they began to speak of the Church as "the kingdom of God"; cf. Col., I, 13; I Thess., ii, 12; Apoc., I, 6, 9; v, 10, etc. The kingdom was regarded as Christ's and He presents it to the Father; cf. I Cor., xv, 23-28; II Tim., iv, 1. The kingdom of God means, then, the ruling of God in our hearts; it means those principles which separate us off from the kingdom of the world and the devil; it means the benign sway of grace; it means the Church as that Divine institution whereby we may make sure of attaining the spirit of Christ and so win that ultimate kingdom of God Where He reigns without end in "the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God" (Apoc., xxi, 2).[/quote]

Edited by MichaelFilo
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::Sigh::... In all fairness however, I think I bring up a good point.

Excuse the spelling errors of my earlier posts, I just got my electricity back after several days, and attempted to type intellegiably in the early morning.

God bless,


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