KnightoftheRosary Posted August 25, 2004 Share Posted August 25, 2004 So I was browsing about a forum and fell upon this one(I don't want to take fromphatmass so I won't post the sight. But some of the individuals said this!I'm just curiouse, I am not sure how the Protestant community views Marian apparitions. Probably a mixed selection of opinions. For those who are interested, below is a posting from the Catholic forum which I am copying here. Since Protestants may be less familiar with the apparitions, let me just say that you should brouse the internet specifically for the Garabandal apparitions, in order to have a background for the following book excerpts. In addition to the Marian apparitions at Garabandal, there have been other visionaries who have predicted an "illumination of consciences" which is alluded to at Garabandal. Now that "The Passion of the Christ" has been released worldwide, I am wondering if this movie may be the fulfullment of "The Warning" as predicted at Garabandal: Contact The 101 Foundation, Inc., PO Box 151, Asbury, NJ 08802-0151, phone number (908) 689-8792, Fax # (908) 689-1957,, e-mail: The 101 Foundation, Inc. is the publisher of "The Warning...To be read as though the Warning has just come..." by Father Philip Bebie, C.P. I will tell you a little bit about this book. Father Philip began this book in 10/81 and completed it in 1982. He did not intend that it should be published until after The Warning took place, but he shared the manuscript with a few friends. One of these people allowed Father Philip himself to set the manuscript into print so that it would be ready for immediate printing and distribution when The Warning occurred. Four years later, Father Philip himself was dying of an advanced state of cancer of the liver. And while dealing with his imminent death, some of his friends realized that since the predicted time between the Warning and the Miracle would be less than a year, it might be best to have some copies of this book printed in advance and in the hands of at least some people in different parts of the world so that it would be more readily available if and when these prophecies are actually realized. It must be borne in mind that this book is intended to be published generally only after The Warning. For that reason it reads as though the miracle of illumination of conscience has already been experienced by the reader. Even if read before The Warning it is believed it will be of deep interest and edification for all who read it. THE INTRODUCTION (edited) by Father Philip Bebie (deceased 1986): "A short time ago, abruptly, all on earth felt the intervening of God. To each one of us He unveiled the innermost secrets of our heart. His inexorable light seared our consciences and showed us to ourselves as in a flawless mirror. The truth was vivid in our minds. We saw the awful blight of our sinfulness, the excruciating pain of it, and knew in an instant what our eternity would be because of it. The Lord's mercy scoured away all pretension. By His merciful intrusion, we knew ourselves...oh, how we knew ourselves, in His Light. We felt The Warning. Over twenty years ago it was predicted by the Mother of God, who communicated her message to us through four young girls from the mountain village of Garbandal, Spain, remote and rude, rocky and high, among the clouds. The message was plain as well, and not really new in content, for she had been repeating it generation upon generation as she visited one place after another for what is now a span of one hundred and fifty years. Yet at this moment she had spoken it with special urgency......" ".....She told them of "The Warning", a "correction of the conscience of the world", which all would experience as a kind of disaster in their lives, but none would die of it, except perhaps from the shock of it. She also spoke to them of a "Great Miracle" to be worked by the Lord at Garabandal so that we all might come to believe, but she would not permit the disclosure of the exact time this would happen (although one of the girls knows the date and must announce it 8 days before it happens). Lastly she revealed to them "The Punishment", which would descend upon us "directly from God", if people did not repent in time to avert it......" EXCERPTED FROM CHAPTER ONE, THE WARNING, by Father Philip "The Warning was predicted by Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Garabandal, where she prophecied three great events that were to come: The Warning, The Miracle, and The Punishment. The last would occur only if the world would still refuse to repent after the first two made God's mind plain to all. We have just experienced the first; the second and third are still in the future. The Miracle will come within a year of The Warning, so that we will be prepared to receive the grace of The Miracle. "The Warning was like the conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, who was penetrated by the same light we have recently endured...." "Has not the same enlightenment been accorded to us all in The Warning? The grace once granted to an individual has finally penetrated every human heart in a single, sudden burst of divine light...." "The Warning made us aware of God. Everyone, unbeliever as well as believer, now can declare that God has touched us with His immeasurable power. He has intervened in an unprecedented manner to make all people aware of His existence, His mercy, his sovereign rulership, His love for us and His concern for our salvation. No one can now any longer deny Him unless he chooses to fling the truth back in God's face. The Warning has made God evident. We have felt His power in our bones." "The Warning shows us our sins. It was predicted as a "correction of the conscience of the world." The Scriptures foretold long ago that Jesus would send the Holy Spirit to "convict the world of sin." If we did not fully understand before what that meant, we do now, by the power of The Warning......" "The Warning was a taste of eternity. Time stopped for a moment during The Warning, and the truth of timeless existence tumbled in on all of us. It was no longer possible, because of The Warning, to hide from ourselves. All we ever did was before our eyes, seen all at once, in a single glance......" "The Warning was a mercy from God. By The Warning we became aware that we are not yet what He wants us to be........God unveiled our sinfulness to us in The Warning, not out of revenge, for vengefulness is foreign to His heart, but rather out of love and mercy. He wants us to never have to suffer again the pain we felt in The Warning........" "The Warning is a sign of the future. It is the major turning-point in world history, the most important "sign of the times." The Warning tells us that all that has gone before in the entire course of world history now focuses on the years just ahead of us. Our age is absolutely critical for the salvation of the human race......" "The Warning is a direct intervention from God. Never before has God acted directly and universally to make everyone in the world completely aware of their sinfulness before His holiness. The preaching of the Gospel through the witness of the Church has been available for centuries, so it is not as if He had never made such a revelation of this kind before. But it has not happened in history before that He has acted with such power, such precision, such instancy. The times must be very special......" "The Warning calls us to choose......." "The Warning has made it impossible to delay a decision any longer......" "The Warning calls us to prepare for The Miracle......" Please forgive any typographical errors. Consider ordering the book yourself. Explore the internet for other books about the Illumination of Consciences, predicted not only at Garabandal, but by other Saints and Blesseds down through the centuries, including Saint Edmund Campion and Blessed Anna Maria Taigi. Please take this seriously and try to do your part to help spread the message even further. God bless all your efforts. See top of this post for how to contact the 101 Foundation. Forum Index -> Catholic Discussion Post a new topic _________________ "There is no peace for the rational creature except in the willing service of its Creator. What a privilege to do a favor for God in doing (so) for our neighbor." --Father Solanus Casey Back to top _________________ "There is no peace for the rational creature except in the willing service of its Creator. What a privilege to do a favor for God in doing (so) for our neighbor." --Father Solanus Casey Back to top Jake Huether Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Posts: 130 Location: California Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 9:56 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to place a disclamer up in here for quick reference. Garabandal has not officially been approved by the Church yet. At this point in time it is best to reflect on approved apparitions, like Lourds for example. Even approved appartitians are not "binding" on the faithful. All public revelation was closed at the death of the Last Apostle. Privat revelations such as apparitions, although helpful, are not a part of the deposit of faith which Catholics are obligated to believe. That being said, I've seen tapes on Garabandal, and they were touching. The message is a good message - pray. It's nothing new, but it's an ever present necessity. Pray! _________________ Back to top pah01 Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Posts: 1032 Location: London Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 2:47 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am pretty sure that garabandal is not from God. Like medjugorje bayside necedeh etc. Better stick to lourdes and Fatima. _________________ "Protestants are people who have not taken my basic language and reasoning course" pah01 13/7/2004 Back to top irishcatholic Joined: 06 Mar 2004 Posts: 180 Location: midwest USA Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 8:11 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pah01 wrote: I am pretty sure that garabandal is not from God. Like medjugorje bayside necedeh etc. Better stick to lourdes and Fatima. amen brother Back to top Solania Joined: 11 Mar 2004 Posts: 121 Location: Walla Walla, WA Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:37 pm Post subject: Are Protestants Interested in Marian Apparitions? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Jake, Thanks for the much needed clarification that I forgot to type in. You are, of course, absolutely correct. It would not be possible for the Catholic Church to approve Garabandal until such time as after "The Miracle" occurs, if I understand correctly. Similarly, Medjugorje cannot be considered until after the apparitions have concluded. I apologize for not being clear about this, and I thank you for picking up the ball which I dropped. And as you say, Jake, no one is "bound" to believe anything at all about any apparitions. Certainly, Lourdes and Fatima are more widely accepted, having withstood so well the test of time and faith. I am glad you found the Garbandal tapes to be touching. I have never seen them, but have only read books. _________________ "There is no peace for the rational creature except in the willing service of its Creator. What a privilege to do a favor for God in doing (so) for our neighbor." --Father Solanus Casey Back to top JesusisMyRedeemer Joined: 25 Mar 2004 Posts: 262 Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:30 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I personally am not interested. _________________ *~Peace and love in Christ Jesus our Lord~* Beth Back to top Guest Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 4:42 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are Protestants Interested in Marian Apparitions? No. Most think it's not of God. Back to top MickeyD Joined: 29 Feb 2004 Posts: 155 Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:38 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a non-denominational/ Evangelical I must say that I put no weight into to Marian apparitions. For two main reasons: First and foremost is the fact that satan, and his demons to a point, can show themselves as being good. As a matter of fact the Bible teels us that they can be pleasing to the eye and to be ready to test them. The second reason is actually a play off of that- a high percentage of the time when there is a Marian apparition or if there is a inanimate object that bears her resemblance people flock to it and begin what I believe to be idol worship. (I am not saying that praying through Mary is idol owrship, but these instances are). I believe this is why Satan would want to show himself as such- it takes the eyes off of God and onto mary. Back to top son of thunder Joined: 22 Mar 2004 Posts: 22 Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:23 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=""][/url] _________________ copa que EL PADRE me ha dado, ¿no la he de beber? Jesús Cristo Back to top SteveW Joined: 19 Apr 2004 Posts: 403 Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:57 am Post subject: hmm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi Jake Huether!!! Hey pah01, why do you think its not from God? Just curious, I havent read up on that one. Also, is the Med. apparitions still going on? I thought they ended a few years back? And its my fault I havent kept up on it. Just been very busy. God Bless _________________ Come attack Me I have the Church and the Papacy right behind me Scream out contraversy, label me as your enemy But know one last thing It started off as One Universal Body And that’s how it will forever be. Back to top Mr. Mike Joined: 11 Apr 2004 Posts: 208 Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:18 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a non-denominational follower of the Way, (at least personally) I don't have any interest in apparitions. I've never been a fan of ghosts, because I believe them to be demonic. However I don't speak for the whole spectrum of protestants.... _________________ Christian scholars have taken the dynamite of the church, have wrapped it up in nice phraseology, placed it in an hermetic container and sat on the lid. It is about time to blow the lid off... peter maurin Back to top Guest Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:49 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only if Catholics can show from the Scriptures that Jesus and the Apostles were interested in Marian apparitions. And, since the Woman in Revelation is unnamed, that can't be given as an example of a Marian apparition. Back to top Jesus*Saves Joined: 20 Apr 2004 Posts: 7 Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 10:28 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MickeyD wrote: As a non-denominational/ Evangelical I must say that I put no weight into to Marian apparitions. For two main reasons: First and foremost is the fact that satan, and his demons to a point, can show themselves as being good. As a matter of fact the Bible teels us that they can be pleasing to the eye and to be ready to test them. The second reason is actually a play off of that- a high percentage of the time when there is a Marian apparition or if there is a inanimate object that bears her resemblance people flock to it and begin what I believe to be idol worship. (I am not saying that praying through Mary is idol owrship, but these instances are). I believe this is why Satan would want to show himself as such- it takes the eyes off of God and onto mary. Excellent point there. We belive that anything that takes one's eyes off of the worship of God, is idol worship......even if one is meditating upon someone good like Mary, if your focus is on Mary & not on Christ, it's idolitry (sp?). Some (not all) Catholics do this & some (not all) protestants do things like this also. For example: I for one, love Christian chat boards, they can consume my time as I find so much fellowship in them.........but I often feel convicted that I should be seeking God through His Holy Word & fellowship with Him in prayer instead. If my focus in only on talking about Him rather than talking with Him, there can be a problem. Satan likes to draw attention & worship away from God. The Bible refers to him as an "angel of light". He is deceptive. Anything obviously evil, we recognize easily & stay away from.... Sometimes, he will use lies mixed in with the truth to deceive. This is rampant within the Christian community (protestant & catholic) today. _________________ ~*~Thy Word is a light unto my feet & a lamp unto my path~*~ Back to top KnightoftheRosary Guest Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 7:46 pm Post subject: Hmmm... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm just curiouse, Do you think that SAtan or his minions would go about posing as the mother of God, perfroming numerouse miracles and leading millions of people to Christ. From what I can tell the Satans objection is to turn people away from Christ and not to him. And for those who don't know, because,(I don't mean to be rude here) if you have never read up on a marian apparition how can you say that its from God. You say their not from God, but have you ever heard what she has to say? For those of you who have never read up on one here is her main message: TURN BACK TO THE FACE OF MY BELOVED SON, HIS HEART IS FULL OF PAIN FOR THE SINS THAT YOU DO, IF YOU WOULD ONLY TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS AND BACK TO HIS SACRED HEART, YOUR LIVES WOULD BE MORE AT PEACE FOR HE WANTS TO BE WITH YOU, BUT IF YOU BLOCK HIM HOW CAN HE ENTER. IF you want two approved apparitions go to the ones titled OUR LADY OF LOURDES and OUR LADY OF FATIMA. And when I say approved they have to go through a rigourause(spelling?) process to make sure they are divinly inspired. And please tell me how this does not make sence. If you look all through out the bible you can see numurouse descriptions about Christ. Can you also see the ones about Mary? The new eve, the one who's seed will crush the serpent. Could she not be a prefigurment of the ark of the covenant because did not GOD DWELL WITHIN HER. Does it not say in the 10 commandments to honor thy father and thy mother. If we give Christs father God true worship for only he and the blessed trinity is worthy of worship alone, Shouldn't his mother Mary receive some honor. Remember Honor and worship are two totally diffrent things. And it never sais any where that Joseph and Mary had relations and from those relations fostered other children, as it typically does throughout the whole bible! Do you think I answered it ok? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phatcatholic Posted August 25, 2004 Share Posted August 25, 2004 looks like a good response to me. also, keep in mind that one sure test that the Church has always used to determine the validity of a marian apparition is rather or not the message contradicts the bible. therefore, if an apparition has been approved by the Church it is because their is no biblical contradiction in its message. to say that an approved apparition is of the devil just b/c the devil can appear to be something good is not a proof. the objector has to prove that the message is anti-biblical. he also has to prove that the apparition somehow disparages Jesus or takes the focus away from Him. of course, anyone who truly understands marian devotion and the marian doctrines will see that anything truly attributed to her will always direct the focus to Him. its that simple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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