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I Know Fr. Can't Say Those Prayers That Fast!


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During Daily Mass, Father always says the "Blessed are you Lord God of all Creation..." prayers.

But on Sunday mass, I know he doesn't say it. I'm not sure if he even prayes, "Through the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share int he divinity of Christ."

You know he isn't because He'll hold the bread up, then take the wine pour it into the chailice put water in it hold it up, then have his hands washed.

Is it essential to say those prayers at every mass wheter outloud or to the priests self.

If he is and he isn't what should the laity do?

Thank You.

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The prayers for the preparation of the gifts at the beginning of the Liturgy of The Eucharist may be said either audibly or "secreto dicens" which roughly means inaudibly. This goes for the 2 main prayers "Blessed are you...."
The prayer "By this mystery...." should be said inaudibly "secreto"

They are not optional but are to be said. It would be hard to see or hear what is being said. But speaking as a priest you should see the priests lips move at least as the celebrant is to say all the prayers not just read them, whether they are done audibly or inaudibly. As to what you say maybe you might approach the priest and just ask.

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