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Catholic Teen Dating Forums


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[quote name='BrightSunshine' date='Aug 24 2004, 12:13 PM'] Yeah but for people like me who are homeschooled and not much goes on around where I live for young people a Catholic online dating forum can be helpful. [/quote]
why don't we start one? :lol:

i had no idea so many of you guys were homeschoolers like myself.... very cool. for being a homeschooler, when others compare myself to them, i apparently have quite a social life, involved in many things. i guess that's a good thing. :cool:

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[quote name='ilovechrist' date='Aug 24 2004, 09:13 PM'] why don't we start one? :lol:

i had no idea so many of you guys were homeschoolers like myself.... very cool. for being a homeschooler, when others compare myself to them, i apparently have quite a social life, involved in many things. i guess that's a good thing. :cool: [/quote]
lets start one ILC ,that sounds great!!! :D

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Well, I know quite a few very nice catholic guys, however, I wouldn't date them. My opinion would be not to have a dating forum just a Catholic teen get to know eachother thread.

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A Catholic teen dating forum will lead into trouble. There are a lot of fantastic Catholic females on Phatmass, but I wouldn't use PM as a dating service. PM is a place to help build each other up, share your faith, meet fellow Catholics and etc. If you so happen to be attracted to someone, just private message them.

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Hey I'm homeschooled as well. I didn't realize there were that many homeschoolers here either. LOL

I would say if you were looking for a "nice Catholic guy" or whatever to date to get involved with your church youth group. But if you do that be forwarned that almost ever single one thinks he's supposed to be priest (don't know why) but it can't be possible.

I don't think teen dating is a good thing in general though because generally the persons involved are not mature enough to know what to do if the relationship becomes very serious. I could be wrong though since I don't ahve any experiece.

:D just my opinion!

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[quote name='MarieCecilia' date='Aug 24 2004, 10:25 PM'] I would say if you were looking for a "nice Catholic guy" or whatever to date to get involved with your church youth group. But if you do that be forwarned that almost ever single one thinks he's supposed to be priest (don't know why) but it can't be possible. [/quote]
I know! It can't be true, but if that's what God wills that's what God wills. Then you can just become really good friends with them and support them through the seminary.

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[quote]I know! It can't be true, but if that's what God wills that's what God wills. Then you can just become really good friends with them and support them through the seminary.[/quote]

Yes true but be careful of being [i]to good [/i]of friends with them...I thought that very same thing but I am having problems with a friend of mine at the moment. So yeah its not always the best thing. Now this I can say I KNOW from experiece...and it can be hurtful. If I were you (just advice) I would say don't be good friends with any guy you know is considering the priesthood. It can be a BIG problem and once again it can be VERY hurtful. (emphasis on that part)

[quote]Im a single good Catholic guy and would like to be married I dont want to be a Priest ,thats one Marie,lol. [/quote]

LOL! Where do you live and how old are you? I need a guy friend like that. haha

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[quote name='BrightSunshine' date='Aug 25 2004, 03:26 AM'] Do you mean talk to guys when the situation is right? I'm a girl. ;) [/quote]
lol sry.

We need gender icons

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