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I'm Gettin' Some New Tats Manana...


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[quote name='Phazzan' date='Aug 24 2004, 02:40 AM'] I thought tattoos were sinful. [/quote]
Only if they are excessive (which would be considered mutilitation, just like excessive body piercing). Some people will say that any tatoo or piercing is grave matter but there is no official Church teaching on the subject, and nowhere can I find any statement from someone who can be said to speak in any sort of official capacity for the Church saying that getting a tatoo is grave matter. If anyone really wants to make this a debate I suggest you dredge up the thread in the Debate Table, and if someone does try to debate in here I suggest the mods edit it.

But thats just my $0.02.

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Aug 24 2004, 07:57 PM'] If anyone really wants to make this a debate I suggest you dredge up the thread in the Debate Table, and if someone does try to debate in here I suggest the mods edit it.

But thats just my $0.02. [/quote]
IcePrincess is dope...


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Yeah, leave the debating to the debate table.

inDEED, your tattoos sound awesome! Bet the wife is thrilled with her name on you. :)

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Here they is...



The only thing is...the bottom of the cross under "Mandy Mae" is a bit crooked...

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Very Nice.

I got the wife's name. The guy tried to talk me out of it. He said no relationship has ever lasted after he tattooed a person's name on someone. I ignored him. There is a greater power at work.

Did you find any Catholic symbols? I have searched the web and did not come up with much. I don't need a tat to show I am Catholic but I woud like to have one.

Everyone has the Sacred Heart and Crucifixes. I thought about the Eucharist and Chalice. I even thought about the apotles creed. I also thought about the Keys inside the Fish but I don't know how that would look. The Chi Rho is cool but not necessarily specific to Catholicism although most things Christian were originally Catholic.

I also thought about incorporating one line "I believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church" into something. We'll see.

Again, nice work.

Edited by socalscout
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Here's my Sacred Heart:


Have fun getting your ink!


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[quote name='socalscout' date='Aug 25 2004, 09:06 PM'] Very Nice.

I got the wife's name. The guy tried to talk me out of it. He said no relationship has ever lasted after he tattooed a person's name on someone. I ignored him. There is a greater power at work.

Did you find any Catholic symbols? I have searched the web and did not come up with much. I don't need a tat to show I am Catholic but I woud like to have one.

Everyone has the Sacred Heart and Crucifixes. I thought about the Eucharist and Chalice. I even thought about the apotles creed. I also thought about the Keys inside the Fish but I don't know how that would look. The Chi Rho is cool but not necessarily specific to Catholicism although most things Christian were originally Catholic.

I also thought about incorporating one line "I believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church" into something. We'll see.

Again, nice work. [/quote]
Yeah...that's been the most difficult part of my tattoo searches...getting something SPECIFICALLY CATHOLIC...Some of the thoughts I've had...

- The Keys to the Church (Vatican flag)
- The Marian symbol on the the back of the Mary Immaculeta metal

Pictures like that...

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[quote name='inDEED' date='Aug 25 2004, 10:21 PM']cooltuba - Your Sacred Heart looks DOPE, man!!![/quote]
Thanks InDeed! I wanted it to be a Sacred Heart, but I didn't want the traditional flames that I've seen in so many other Sacred Heart images. I wanted the flame to be more radiant, more divine. I brought an image of Divine Mercy with me to illustrate the type of fire I wanted. The tattoo artist was amazingly gifted, and he did a superb job.

I just saw your tats, and they're awesome! You can definately get the Cross straightened out; it wouldn't be hard at all. I had a couple of spots I wanted touched up on mine, so I went back to the same artist and he did it for free. I think I'm going to get all of my future tattoos from the same guy.

If you live in the Dallas area, I can give you his number. He works at Hold Fast Tattoo off of Greenville.



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Guest T-Bone

If I got a tat, it would be of the Chi-Rho, 'cause its a cool symbol. On my left shoulderblade. And perhaps the Sacred Heart on my right shoulder blade.

I'd love to see someone with the front of the miraculus medal on their chest, and the back of it on thier back. That would be da bomb.

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