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Tridentine Mass?


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What's up guys......I was wondering how many people in here have been to the Latin Mass. I've been to both the new and old, and feel they are both important. I can see why the new Mass was created, I can also see why the some still like the old. I would like to know other people's opinions........

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The Latin Mass in my area is aligned with the Diocese of San Bernadino, they have a retired Priest say the Mass. Yeah, that's too bad the only Latin Mass in your area, is by the SSPX.

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Hey yeah I've been to the Tridentine Mass many times. I think its absolutely beautiful and I'm sorry for those who haven't ever experienced that part of our Catholic Tradition. I wish that out American bishops would allow it to be celebrated more often but I also love the Novus Ordo and am rather attached to it. My opinion is that both are beautiful but that we certainly are not allowed enough Latin Masses in the USA for many to be able to give their opinion on it.

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[quote name='ironman' date='Aug 24 2004, 02:23 AM'] The Latin Mass in my area is aligned with the Diocese of San Bernadino, they have a retired Priest say the Mass. Yeah, that's too bad the only Latin Mass in your area, is by the SSPX. [/quote]
Still valid though.

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I love the Tridentine Mass and have been countless times. I used to have a hard time going to the new Mass (because of people not doing what the Church says), but if its done reverently, and without weird liturgical abuses, I like it. :D

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What I like about the Tridentine Mass a lot, is their are way less distractions. New Mass is awesome too, when done reverently.

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I prefer all the ritual, bending, blessing etc. The new one is kinda plain, compared to the Latin Mass. But im glad they have kept the part near or at the consecration [cant remember sry], where the Priest sings, some to it in Latin, which I like :)

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I was at the Family Conference and a lot of the singing was done in Latin. Latin to me is the most beautiful mysterious language, I can see why so many want to preserve the Latin Mass. There's a new order of Priests that JP2 has appointed to preserve the Latin Mass, it's the order of St. Peter. I'm so glad the Pope has done this, hopefully somdeay their will be Latin Masses in every major city.

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[quote name='ironman' date='Aug 25 2004, 01:24 AM'] I was at the Family Conference and a lot of the singing was done in Latin. Latin to me is the most beautiful mysterious language, I can see why so many want to preserve the Latin Mass. There's a new order of Priests that JP2 has appointed to preserve the Latin Mass, it's the order of St. Peter. I'm so glad the Pope has done this, hopefully somdeay their will be Latin Masses in every major city. [/quote]
the family conference in anaheim this past weekend?!? :o

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[quote name='ironman' date='Aug 25 2004, 09:39 PM'] Yup, Family Conference was in SO Cal..I was there, were you there> [/quote]
darn it!! i missed it :weep: i wanted to go so bad but i had an interview on saturday morning and... yea. scott and kimberly hahn are like my heros :P how was it? which sessions did you go to?

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I went to talks by Fr. Shannon Collins, Fr. Bill Casey, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Ron Stone, Michael Cumbie, I met Scott Hahn, but didn't get to go to his talk, I bought some of his CD's though....it was an awesome conference....over 9000 people there. The laity is getting much stronger nowadays, Catholics are learning their faith and evangelizing..........

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