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Morning Offering And Praying For Others


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In one version of the Morning Offering, we offer to Jesus all our "prayers, works, joys, and sufferings" for "all the intentions of [Christ's] Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, the union of all Christians." And we also offer them "for the intentions of our bishops and of all apostles of prayer and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month." I understand that doesn't mean that we can't pray for those for whom we wish to pray or need to pray. But if we say a prayer, rosary, etc. for our own special intentions, how does that figure into our offering of our prayers for the intentions outlined in the Morning Offering at the beginning of the day? Do some of the graces from that prayer or rosary go toward the salvation of souls, the Holy Father's intentions, etc.? I'm confused! Thanks in advance.

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The short answer is: Yes.

But that does not mean that your personal intentions will receive "less" graces because some graces are going toward what you prayed for in your morning offering. Our God is a God of abundance. He can take 8 fish and 4 loaves and feed 5,000. He can certainly take one Rosary and use it to give Graces to multitudes as well.

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