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John 1:14 Commentary. N J B C


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[font="Times"][b]Caelum defendet militem, Caelum exercet militem, Caelum docet militem. Amen. Amen.[/b][/font]

[color=gray][font="Times"][b]John 1:14 Commentary. N J B C[/b][/color][/font]
[b]NJBC, 2nd Ed. John 1:14 *Imprimatur*[/b]


[b]Note:[/b] All Sources are given, in proper [i]bibliographic setting[/i].



[b]21 (I) Prologue: The Word Coming into the World (1:1-18).[/b]


[b]14.[/b] [i]the Word became flesh:[/i] Reference to the Word becoming flesh ([i]sarx[/i]) goes beyond the OT images of divine glory and Wisdom dwelling with Israel (Exod 25:8-9; Joel 3:17; Zech 2:10; Ezek 43:7, the "name" of God is to dwell with Israel forever; Sir 24:4,8,10). It also counters any suggestion of a docetic christology. [i]Monogenes[/i] reflects the Hebr [i]yahid[/i], "only," "precious," "unique" (see Gen 22:2, 12, 16; Heb 11:17; cf. [i]EWNT[/i] 2. 1082-83).
[i]We have seen...:[/i] This refers to the witnesses of the Johannine community. Some think that v 14b is an expansion of the original verse. "Glory" appears throughout John as God's glory seen in Jesus; also Jesus' preexistent "glory with the Father" (17:5,24). [i]full of grace and truth:[/i] Originally appended to v 14a, this phrase probably reflects the [i]hese we'emet[/i] of the covenant, God's mercy and loving kindness to the people.


[i]New Jerome Biblical Commentary[/i], 2nd Edition, Published 1990, Reprint: 1995,1996 & 2000. [i]Authors & Editors: Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. & Roland E. Murphy, O'CARM[/i]. [b]Nihil Obstat & Impartiur[/b].
[i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 951, John (1:1-16), [61:21-26], 25.

Edited by MorphRC
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6- And the Word became Flesh, the God-Man:

Jn.1:14 is another pinnacle of the Bible: "And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth". The Eternal One who was playing spinning around the stars and constellations now becomes a humble baby, who has to be fed and cleaned and kissed, who can't walk nor talk…God can not even walk!… God now feels the cold and the heat, and the love and hate of another men…

When the fullness of time had come, after being prophesied 300 times during 2000 years, the last time by John the Baptist, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we may receive adoption as sons of God (Gal4:4)…

… Yes, a virginal woman was chosen to be His tabernacle for 9 months: Virgin Mary becomes the Mother of God… and now God himself has what he never had before, he has the most cherished treasure of any man, God Himself now has his own Mother!… a most beautiful and distinguished Mother, made by her own Son!, the only Mother in the world who was made by her Son. If you could have made your own mother, for sure she would have been be the most beautiful and perfect, the most on everything!… well, that's the way Jesus made His own mother: The full of grace, the most blessed among women, the one who will be blessed by all generations, as recorded in Luke 1:28,42,48… Mother and Virgin!, said her spouse the Holy Spirit, Immaculate since her Conception… the Queen of Angels!, said God the Father, and the throne of wisdom, and the spiritual Mother of every man and woman, because the Mother of the Head is got to be also the Mother of the whole Mystical Body of Christ, of His Church (Eph.4:4, 1Cor12:12-30).

And the verse goes on: "… and we have seen his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth". Yes, we have seen his glory, the glory of God, pure love and humility and splendor and suffering… a good picture of God the Father is Baby Jesus in Bethlehem, or Jesus at Calvary, because he who sees Jesus sees the Father (Jn.14:9)…

… And from here on, Jesus establishes a new era, the one of "grace and truth"… the era of the law was given through Moses, and the era of grace and truth came through Jesus… we now become sons of God without works, by grace, freely, as a gift, just by believing in Jesus… and this is just to be born of God, but afterwards we have to live this glorious adventure of life as sons of God, doing wonderful works of love, growing from grace upon grace (1:16), from faith to faith would say Paul to the Romans, from glory to glory would say to the Corinthians (Rom.1:17, 2Cor.3:18).

I love you Jesus.You do all things, and being unchanging, you renew all things. You are more beautiful than the sun and surpasses all the constellations, in fact you are the creator of the universe, of the heavens and of the earth. Thank you, Jesus Christ, because you are my Creator, and my Savior, and my Love and my all!. Thank you, Jesus, God made flesh for my love. Let me see you when you look at me. Thank you. Amen (Wis.7:27)

[url="http://www.biblia.com/christ/hymn9.htm#7-%20And%20the%20Word%20became%20Flesh,%20the%20God-Man:"]St Jerome Online Bible Commentary[/url]

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