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Laudate_dominum Leaves Grand Rapids

Sursum Corda

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Sursum Corda

My few days with L_D have come to an end as he is now on his way back to Steubenville. During his brief stay, he has had the opportunity to meet Bro. Adam, Mrs. Bro. Adam, and Lounge Daddy. It was a blessing that he was able to spend a few days here. Please pray for him on his journey back to Steubie as he drives through the night.


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Mrs. Bro. Adam

For the intention of L_D's safe trip home:

*Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.*

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Sursum Corda

It seems to me that all the PM people who've been to my place in the past week all dig my dog, Fudge...I feel neglected...oh well. Fudge loves you guys too. He pouted all night after L_D left. Sheesh.

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You probably wouldn't say that if you knew that Labs and retrevers (and horses) cause an asthmatic reaction in me that is so sever that I can't breathe....

(but I love him from afar.... :hearts: )

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maybe this is a lttle too on topic :P but im just wondering if Laudate_dominum is undergrad or grad student at Steubie. im asking cause my sister is a new grad student there.

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

If I remember correctly, he's really neither, although he's taking classes there. It was something weird.


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Sursum Corda

Thanks guys for sharing the love with me! Fudge thinks you should come visit again soon!

Regarding L_D and school - he was undergrad, but is currently not taking classes. He's taking time off from school to work and save some moolah. I would submit, however, that he has a knowledge of the Faith that is level with that of a grad. student. L_D - hope you don't mind me answering for you.


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